Release Blitz: Unexpected Savior by Susana Mohel ~ 4.5 stars

Title: Unexpected Savior
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Susana Mohel
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 12, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
They called me the villain. Homewrecker.
The other woman.
But there’s something dangerous about mistakes. You don’t realize you’re making one until it’s too late…
“You haven’t changed at all,” Bridget said to me that day.
Those words hit me hard. I left, ready to start a new life for me and my daughter.
Now, years later, I’m working hard. Doesn’t matter how complicated it is or if the guilt gets to me.
I’m alive and he’s not.
But life throws me a curve ball when I’m not expecting it.
Intense grey eyes, killer smile, and the determination to tear my walls down. He knows my weakness, and a man like him is never afraid to use it against me. My four-year-old daughter.
I’m rewriting my story, unprepared for him. And I’m not ready for what destiny has in store for us.
Nicolaus Novak just might become my friend, my lover… the man who helps me to discover I deserve a happy ending… my unexpected savior.
Unexpected Savior is an angsty single parent/redemption romance inspired by British Bedmate.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
This story was a well-written one. I found myself unwilling to put it down, even to sleep!

Susana Mohel is a new-to-me author that impressed me. The way the author crafted those twists and turns in the story, showing connections to times and events that had previously seemed innocuous… I definitely know that she will be on my watch list from now on.

I liked that while Gina knew her mistakes were big, costly ones, she was trying to do her best to ensure that her daughter didn’t have to suffer. I loved how patient and sweet Nico was with her, and I loved the way he took to Olivia.

Nico & Gina’s story is heartwarming, inspiring and just an all-round good read. It is more than a story of atonement and second chances. It is a story of forgiveness, self-acceptance and moving on with your life.

I recommend this story unreservedly & wholeheartedly. These three main characters will have you rooting for them from the get-go.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.


Susana Mohel is a bilingual, international bestseller, and the author of twenty books published in two languages. In 2016, Susana was chosen as an Amazon Indie Contest finalist.
Married to the Grinch, she’s the mother of a beautiful girl and a fur baby. For her, life is about having fun with her family, crafting, and everything pineapple. She’s a consummated goal digger, who writes heart-wrenching second chances and enemies to lovers sprinkled with fun and sexiness.


#ReleaseBlitz: Down ‘n’ Dirty Dog by Eve Black ~ #4stars

Title: Down ‘n’ Dirty Dog
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Eve Black
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 11, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
Putting the “sin” in Sin City. It’s his job. His vice. His punishment for being alive. He wallows in it, doing whatever he can to fill the hollow spaces left by his grief. His rage.
Performing for screaming women…. A numb cycle of faceless hook-ups, wicked nights, and trying to forget. He is just a body women crave, nothing more. A shell that was once a US Marine…looking for something to fill the void where his heart used to be, but nothing fits.
Until he meets her.
Until he meets the one woman who doesn’t fall for his careless charm, his smirk, his golden tongue. The one woman who brings light into his darkness. She is nothing like the women he’s met before, and he finds himself intrigued by her. Fighting every instinct to stay away, to leave her alone. But he can’t. She is beautiful without knowing it, sexy as hell, smart, sweet, and just too good for him. He knows, deep in his bones, she is the one woman who can truly break him…but you can’t break what’s already broken, right?
And what if she heals him instead? What happens when opposites attract and a down ‘n’ dirty stripper falls for a quiet ‘n’ curvy librarian?
Down ‘n’ Dirty Dog is an opposites attract/BBW romance inspired by Stuck-Up Suit.
Free in Kindle Unlimited


Cat is a shy, insecure librarian who has been burned by love before. Sure, she wishes she had the guts to go after the hot guy next door, but she’s already resigned to the fact that she may be alone forever. But then, an impromptu girls’ night out puts her squarely in said hot guy’s sights, and despite her fears, something about him keeps her coming back.

Dog can have any woman he wants, yet he considers himself soulless. Tired of his life, but unsure what steps to take to change direction, Dog is surprised to find a woman in his latest show who seems unaffected by him. Curiosity and desire wage a war within him, until he forced to confront the real truth: he and Cat could never be temporary.

This read is pretty steamy. The author does a great job building the anticipation for when the couple finally gets together. They have smoking hot chemistry, but there’s an emotional aspect, too, that only added to the book’s appeal. This is another good addition to the Cocky Hero Club series.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Eve Black is the sexy contemporary romance-loving alter-ego of a sweet historical romance author…who also writes dark, sexy medieval romance under another name. Eve is one of several personalities in one crazy package. When Eve isn’t writing books, she is editing other people’s books, freelance writing marketing content, or wrangling her children. For fun, Eve loves to read (obviously) sexy contemporary and historical romance books, binge-watch old Supernatural, Burn Notice, Leverage, and Lucifer episodes on Netflix, and play mind-numbing games on her tablet.
Eve lives in an untidy house on a little over an acre in rural Northeast Pennsylvania with her husband of 17 years and their four children, three cats, and one chicken.

#ReleaseBlitz: Wrecked by @katransomauthor

Title: Wrecked

Series: The Donington Racing Series
Author: Kat Ransom
Genre: Sports Romance
Release Date: April 9, 2021

We’re best friends. The original forbidden fruit.
We have to stop this before it wrecks us both.

I moved away from my best friend when I was fifteen. It nearly killed me.
A decade later, he disappeared after a devastating Formula 1 crash left him a shattered, broken, husk of a man.
I had no choice.
His demons control him.
My wagon has always been hitched to Logan Kendrick, Australia’s sexy hero F1 driver, my boss, and best friend since we were kids. Whether he chooses to drag me up into heaven, or down into darkness, is entirely irrelevant, because that’s where you’ll find me. Like a pathetic fangirl, I’ve been hopelessly in love with my best friend since I was six years old, and he will never know it.
I’m the rookie son of a legend, a three-time world driver champion. I get by on a charming smile and sarcastic Aussie wit, but I will never measure up. We all know it.
I’m a murderer. Nothing I do changes the fact that I killed a man. Doesn’t matter if it was an accident. I deserve the nightmares, the guilt. Forgive me, mate, if I go off the rails from time to time.
I’ve been in love with my sports physiologist, my best friend, Jo, for as long as I can remember. Regardless of how my body reacts as she slathers me in massage oil every day, how inappropriate it is, I can’t live without her. And she will never know it.

I have no choice.
Her future isn’t with me.
I have to let her go. And it’s going to be the death of me.


Kat Ransom writes steamy romances filled with strong, sarcastic men and the sassy women who bring them to their knees. She lives in the Southern US and is owned by two janky rescue cats. When she isn’t writing, she’s exploring isolated corners of the world or curled up with a wool blanket and a stiff whiskey trying to warm up her perpetually cold toes.