Cover Reveal: Last on the List by Amy Daws


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Last On The List-wrap copy

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Author: Amy Daws
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: June 16, 2022
Cover Designer: Amy Daws
Cover Photographer: Wander Aguiar
Cover Model:
Tanner Hueter

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Last On The List-front copy

Only a bad nanny knows what it’s like to kiss the boss.

CEO millionaire, Max Fletcher is a single dad in desperate need of a nanny.

Cozy Barlow is in the middle of her self-appointed “gap year” and doing everything she can to detach from her past.

But when her sister begs her to interview for the nanny position of a high maintenance client, she doesn’t have a good enough reason to say no.

And when Max locks eyes on the twenty-something in a tie-dye sweatsuit who pitches the idea of daydreaming all summer—he prepares to give this bad nanny the boot.

One problem: Max’s little girl thinks this plus-sized in body and spirit nanny might be her new bestie, so she hires her on the spot.

Now Max is stuck with this bizarre woman who hates everything he represents—corporate greed, money, status, power.

But one stormy night when the power goes out, he discovers Cozy doesn’t hate him. In fact, he’s the leading role in her fantasies.

Fantasies, he would very much like to make a reality.

Interior of a gray brick loft cafe, blank wall

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hea with covers

“So that’s really your proposal as the nanny to my daughter for the summer? To do nothing?” I ask dryly, hoping this Cassandra person has a backup response that she’s going to pull out of her back pocket at any moment to save this horrible interview.

Cassandra nods proudly. “We’ll also do a lot of sitting. I’m an expert at sitting,” she deadpans.

“Okay…I think we’ve heard enough, Cassandra.” I move to stand, but she reaches out and touches my arm, halting me in my tracks.

“I said to call me Cozy,” she corrects with a wink.

The teasing look in her eyes causes my skin to tighten. I do my best to shake it off as she refocuses on my daughter to share with her the last book that made her cry. Her hand slides off my arm, and my eyes lock on the way her index finger trails off the fabric of my suit.

I’m left struggling to shake this silvery feeling her delicate touch has left on my arm, so I take a moment to inspect Cassandra a bit closer now that her focus is off me. Her facial features are round, a faint dimple appearing in her cheek as she talks animatedly to my daughter. Her alabaster skin is a stunning contrast to her nearly black hair cropped bluntly just above her shoulders. She has shockingly plump lips slathered in a pale pink gloss that thankfully doesn’t match the orange jumpsuit that looks like something a teenager would wear. Her ample curves indicate she’s very much not a child.

“How old are you?” I blurt out in the middle of my interview with this bizarre potential nanny. I blanch at how unprofessional of a question that is and curse under my breath. “I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer that.”

“I’m twenty-six, Big Daddy,” Cassandra replies with another wink and then immediately dives back into conversation with my daughter.

Big Daddy? I frown at that very unpleasant label. Jesus Christ, she is so unprofessional. No fucking way…over my dead body. This will not work. I click my tongue and bring out my CEO voice. “Cassandra…I thank you for coming in, but I’m afraid—”

“You’re hired!” my daughter bursts out, standing up so she’s eye level with me. She thrusts her hand across my face and reaches for Cassandra’s, mimicking me to a T how I’ve handled many successful boardroom transactions.

My mouth hangs open as I sit frozen, watching Cassandra stand in what feels like slow motion to take Everly’s hand and accept the offer.

“This is so awesome!” Cassandra shakes Everly’s hand so hard, she starts to giggle. “This summer is going to be GOAT!”

“Goats?” I exclaim, finally breaking free of my stunned-stupid response to my daughter taking over this meeting. How is Everly so charmed by this…this…I don’t even know what to call a person like Cassandra. “No one said anything about farm animals.”

Cassandra and Everly burst out laughing like they’ve been buddies their entire life. Everly places her slender fingers on my shoulder in a way that makes me feel like the eleven-year-old in the room. “Dad, GOAT means greatest of all time.”

My shoulders slump. “Oh.”

Everly leans over to Cassandra and whispers loudly, “I’m so glad this worked out. If we didn’t hire someone today, my dad was totally going to get a case of his stress poops again.”

“Everly!” My eyes fly wide when Cassandra turns her green gaze at me. I push a nervous hand through my hair and quickly rush out, “I don’t get stress poops. I don’t know what that kid’s talking about.”

Cassandra reaches out and pats me on the other shoulder. “Hey Mr. Fletcher, no judgment here. Maybe you should try some of that kombucha in the waiting room that you won’t let your staff have? It’s really good for the digestive system.”

I groan and pinch the bridge of my nose. This summer is going to be a disaster.

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5 Covers-work-orange

If you’re looking for laughs…this series of waiting room meet cutes is the perfect escape. Binge these standalones in Kindle Unlimited in preparation for April 9 release!

Wait With Me
(optioned for film by Passionflix)

When romance novelist, Kate Smith, finds her long lost writing mojo in the customer waiting area of a tire store, the complimentary coffee isn’t the only things that’s hot. But sexy mechanic, Miles Hudson, is just up for a friendly test-drive of her new book idea. At least, that was the agreement… Read Now:

Next In Line

What happens when the cute mountain man you made out with in an ice fishing shack turns out to be your brother’s best friend? Read Now:

One Moment Please

That awkward moment when your doctor informs you that you’re pregnant…with his baby. Read Now:

Take A Number

Fake dating the cute owner of a bakery Dean is an investor in sounds kind of messy…but messy can be fun. Read Now:

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Check out Amy’s Facebook page for an awesome giveaway!


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Amy Daws Head Shot-sizedown

Number 1 Amazon Bestselling author Amy Daws writes spicy love stories that take place in America, as well as across the pond. She’s most known for her footy-playing Harris Brothers and writing in a tire shop waiting room. When Amy is not writing, she’s likely making charcuterie boards from her home in South Dakota where she lives with her daughter and husband.

Follow Amy on all social media channels, including Tik Tok under @amydawsauthor

For more of Amy’s work, visit:

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Cover Reveal: Tight Ends & Tiaras by Lex Martin

Title: Tight Ends & Tiaras
Author: Lex Martin
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Qamber Designs
Photo: Perrywinkle Photography
Release Date: July 5, 2022
Football is one hundred percent the focus of my life—until a squawking toddler, with a temper to rival my own, lands in my lap and flips my life upside down.

I’ll never be Dad of the Year. Anyone will tell you that. Except maybe Sienna, my sister’s former roommate, who somehow manages to make my broody ass laugh and sees something in me no one else does.
When Sienna offers to let me and my little princess move in with her, I’m not sure if it’s to help or because she wants revenge on my teammate and long-time rival, who broke her heart.
Either way, I’m game. Because I need to get my ex off my back, and Sienna doesn’t mind pretending to be my girlfriend.
Only neither of us is ready for the sparks that fly between us or the consequences when they do.

What to expect:

Slow burn but steamy!
Single father
Sports romance (football)
Fake dating
Friends to lovers
New adult (seniors in college)
Small town
$3.99 for a limited time!

Lex Martin is the USA Today bestselling author of the Texas Nights series (Reckless/Shameless) and the Dearest series. She writes contemporary romances, the sexy kind with lotsa angst, a whole lotta kissing, and the hot happily ever afters. A former high school English teacher and freelance journalist, she’s lived all over the country but currently resides in her hometown of San Antonio with her husband and twin daughters.


Excerpt Reveal: Best I Ever Had by S. L. Scott


Release Date: February 25th

Genre/Trope: Opposites Attract/ Surprise Pregnancy/ Forced Proximity/ Billionaire/ Hidden Identity/Single Parent

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“I like the sound of that.”

Tilting my head to the side, I ask, “Of what?”

He leans forward and dips the tip of his finger in the pocket of my apron. Pulling me closer, he then stands and leans to whisper in my ear, “The possibility of us.”

My heart beats quicker as his words race through my veins. The warmth of his breath breezing across my skin has goose bumps rising as if on command.

I lift my chin, causing our cheeks to brush together. “I’m starting to suspect that Zeus’s storm raging outside isn’t the only god messing with the fates today.”

Leaning back, he catches my gaze and stares into my eyes. The smirk has gone and been replaced with a look that causes my breath to catch and lie heavy in my chest. “That only leaves two choices for us, Story. We fight the fates and walk away. Or—”

“We take a chance and follow their lead.” With my heart still pounding, I realize that our fate is already sealed.


The storm.

The man.

Both come without warning.

My heart opens to Cooper Haywood the moment we meet. How can it resist? He’s charming, devastatingly handsome, and sweeps me off my feet before I realize the impact he’s making. And then it’s too late.

We fall too fast to worry about the consequences.

We love so hard that we ache when we’re apart.

Even though I have a past that still haunts me and he has a future that could put us at risk, none of that matters when we’re together.

Until it does.

And then everything changes.

Although the best thing he ever gave me now calls me Mommy, I can’t help but wonder if Cooper Haywood and that fateful storm were one and the same.

About the Author:

Living in the capital of Texas with her family, Scott loves traveling, avocados, beaches, and cooking with her kids. She’s obsessed with epic romances and loves a good plot twist.

Scott writes character driven, heart-racing, and swoony romances to suspense that will leave you glued to the page. Her stories are regarded as emotion-filled and soulful. With stories ranging from light and witty beach reads to heart wrenching and heart healing, Scott has a story for all readers. Her books are more than escapes for the voracious readers of today. They are journeys of the heart that always come with a happily ever after reward at the end.

Connect w/S.L. Scott:

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Cover Reveal: Best I Ever Had by S.L. Scott


Release Date: February 25th

Cover Designer: RBA Designs

Photographer: Wander Aguiar

Model: Andrew Biernat

Genre/Troupe: Opposites Attract/ Surprise Pregnancy/ Forced Proximity/ Billionaire/ Hidden Identity/Single Parent

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The storm.

The man.

Both come without warning.

My heart opens to Cooper Haywood the moment we meet. How can it resist? He’s charming, devastatingly handsome, and sweeps me off my feet before I realize the impact he’s making. And then it’s too late.

We fall too fast to worry about the consequences.

We love so hard that we ache when we’re apart.

Even though I have a past that still haunts me and he has a future that could put us at risk, none of that matters when we’re together.

Until it does.

And then everything changes.

Although the best thing he ever gave me now calls me Mommy, I can’t help but wonder if Cooper Haywood and that fateful storm were one and the same.

About the Author:

Living in the capital of Texas with her family, Scott loves traveling, avocados, beaches, and cooking with her kids. She’s obsessed with epic romances and loves a good plot twist.

Scott writes character driven, heart-racing, and swoony romances to suspense that will leave you glued to the page. Her stories are regarded as emotion-filled and soulful. With stories ranging from light and witty beach reads to heart wrenching and heart healing, Scott has a story for all readers. Her books are more than escapes for the voracious readers of today. They are journeys of the heart that always come with a happily ever after reward at the end.

Connect w/S.L. Scott:

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Cover Reveal: Because of Him by Millie Thomas

Join us for the cover reveal of Because of Him by Millie Thomas. Readers who love single parent romances will sink their teeth into this steamy, forbidden, age gap romance. Keep scrolling for more details about this gorgeous cover.

Title: Because of Him

Author: Millie Thomas

Release Date: March 21, 2022

Genres: Contemporary Romance

Trope: Age Gap, Single Mom, Forbidden, Parent-Teacher

My sex drive died when my husband did.

Raising our four young children had been my sole focus and no matter how often my friends told me to move on, I could never bring myself to do it.

The night I walked into Stefen’s classroom, it all changed.

Who knew all it would take was a young, tall and incredibly sexy history teacher to make it happen?

For the first time in nearly six years, I could feel that fire sparking inside me again.

There were no rules against parents and teachers dating but I fought long and hard (pun intended) to keep my wanton desire for him at bay.

And for the most part, it was working.

But then my eldest invited him over for Thanksgiving and being so close to him messed with my brain.

And my libido.

Now, I’m wondering if I was finally ready to move on.

Because of Stefen, I just might be.

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About Millie Thomas

Millie Thomas is a mother to three young boys who writes steamy small town romances based in the Midwest. When she’s not writing Happily Ever After’s, she spends her time goofing around with her boys and baking all the things.

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Release Blitz: Unexpected Savior by Susana Mohel ~ 4.5 stars

Title: Unexpected Savior
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Susana Mohel
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 12, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
They called me the villain. Homewrecker.
The other woman.
But there’s something dangerous about mistakes. You don’t realize you’re making one until it’s too late…
“You haven’t changed at all,” Bridget said to me that day.
Those words hit me hard. I left, ready to start a new life for me and my daughter.
Now, years later, I’m working hard. Doesn’t matter how complicated it is or if the guilt gets to me.
I’m alive and he’s not.
But life throws me a curve ball when I’m not expecting it.
Intense grey eyes, killer smile, and the determination to tear my walls down. He knows my weakness, and a man like him is never afraid to use it against me. My four-year-old daughter.
I’m rewriting my story, unprepared for him. And I’m not ready for what destiny has in store for us.
Nicolaus Novak just might become my friend, my lover… the man who helps me to discover I deserve a happy ending… my unexpected savior.
Unexpected Savior is an angsty single parent/redemption romance inspired by British Bedmate.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
This story was a well-written one. I found myself unwilling to put it down, even to sleep!

Susana Mohel is a new-to-me author that impressed me. The way the author crafted those twists and turns in the story, showing connections to times and events that had previously seemed innocuous… I definitely know that she will be on my watch list from now on.

I liked that while Gina knew her mistakes were big, costly ones, she was trying to do her best to ensure that her daughter didn’t have to suffer. I loved how patient and sweet Nico was with her, and I loved the way he took to Olivia.

Nico & Gina’s story is heartwarming, inspiring and just an all-round good read. It is more than a story of atonement and second chances. It is a story of forgiveness, self-acceptance and moving on with your life.

I recommend this story unreservedly & wholeheartedly. These three main characters will have you rooting for them from the get-go.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.


Susana Mohel is a bilingual, international bestseller, and the author of twenty books published in two languages. In 2016, Susana was chosen as an Amazon Indie Contest finalist.
Married to the Grinch, she’s the mother of a beautiful girl and a fur baby. For her, life is about having fun with her family, crafting, and everything pineapple. She’s a consummated goal digger, who writes heart-wrenching second chances and enemies to lovers sprinkled with fun and sexiness.


Review Tour: The Groomsman by Marina Hanna ~ 4.5 stars

Title: The Groomsman
Author: Marina Hanna
Genre: Steamy Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 5, 2021
Cover Design: Kevin Blake
He doesn’t have room in his life for romance or relationships, but he can’t seem to stay away from her.
She wants him so badly, she’s willing to risk her heart.
It was one night. A night filled with lust and passion. A night that fulfilled my every desire.
A night with no promises made. It was a night that had me wanting more; needing more.
No one was supposed to fall in love. No one was supposed to get their heart broken. Least of all me.

Review Graphic
Mark & Lauren have a one-night stand at friend’s wedding, and though they originally decide to leave it at that, they can’t help but be drawn to each other repeatedly. As meet-ups increase, and feelings grow stronger between them, it soon becomes clear that casual can no longer describe what’s happening between them. But do they both have what it takes to commit to a long term relationship?

The Groomsman is steamy, push and pull romance that will have you cheering for the main couple to get together. Lauren impressed me as a heroine; she wasn’t afraid to feel, or to ask the difficult questions.

What really got me is how REAL the story felt. From the origin of Lauren & Mark’s relationship, to their insecurities and the way they navigated through them all. I was highly impressed with the way the story was written. This is my first read by Marina Hanna, and I highly recommend it.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

An encounter with no expectations. A silent agreement that there will be no exchange of phone numbers. No promises to call. Just two people connecting to satisfy their sexual needs.

Marina was born and raised in London, with frequent plane journeys to other parts of the world. Her annual school report always said she’s a daydreamer and needs to live in the real world. She says, if you don’t dare to dream, you’ll only ever see the world in black and white.
She likes to read and write romance that’s fun, flirty, and a lot sexy, but always with a happily ever after.

Cover Reveal: Chasing Fire by Emory Jacobs

Chasing Fire by Emery Jacobs releases December 16th
A Contemporary Single Dad/Surprise Pregnancy Romance!

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I’m basically American royalty– daughter to a former Senator and heiress to a fortune.

And princesses marry princes. My father has arranged for me to marry his best friend’s son without my knowledge. Now I’m engaged to someone I don’t even know– a man who was supposed to be my sister’s husband.

I know what’s expected of me. Unfortunately, this princess has fallen for a pauper.

Colton Fisher is a single dad struggling to get by. He runs an art studio and works as a tattoo artist at one of the local shops. Before I know what’s happening, love between us has ignited, and I’m consumed by the flames.

Except that inferno between us has caught fire, and now I’m carrying Colton’s baby.

Pregnant by one man and engaged to another, I’m caught between pleasing the family who raised me and being with my soulmate.

I have a choice– the perfect life, or the perfect love. If I don’t make the right decision, I might end up getting burned.


Chasing Fire is a contemporary romance novel that features fiery situations and passionate encounters. This single dad surprise baby romance has all the feel-good moments that readers are looking for.

Release Blitz: A Very Grumpy Christmas by Jerica MacMillan ~ 5 stars

A Very Grumpy Christmas by
Jerica MacMillan is now live!

My neighbor is a Grinch. 

Since I run the Christmas Emporium and sometimes moonlight as an elf, that’s kind of a problem for me. 

No surprise, though. When I brought over cookies to welcome him to the neighborhood this summer, he slammed the door in my face.

Until he brings his kid to visit Santa one of the days I’m working as an elf, and I realize there are key parts of their story I’m missing …
• The little girl is his much younger sister, not his daughter.
• He’s her guardian since their parents died in a tragic accident.

Now all of his handsome, broody glares make so much more sense. As one of Santa’s elves, I make it my mission to make this Christmas as special for them as possible. Which somehow includes trespassing on his property to hang Christmas lights and braiding the little girl’s hair regularly. 

Despite his glares and grumpiness, I discover the soft underbelly of the beast. Will this Grinch’s heart grow three sizes as well? And if it does, will it have room for me?

A Very Grumpy Christmas is a standalone, small town, neighbors to lovers romance featuring a grumpy single dad and the sunshiny neighbor who’s determined to make his Christmas better. Full of heat and heart with an HEA guaranteed!


Shane has had a rough few months. Becoming his sister’s guardian, while dealing with both her grief and his hasn’t been easy. Struggling to figure out how to make life – and Christmas – easier for Sophie is complicated. But his neighbour, masquerading as Santa’s helper might help. Thing is, he didn’t realise that unfreezing his heart would be part of the deal.

Sarah knows her neighbour is hot, but he’s also quite unfriendly and unpleasant. Then, she overhears a conversation between his little sister and Santa, and his behaviour suddenly makes sense. Deciding to make Christmas as happy as she can for the duo, she suddenly finds her heart growing attached. But Sarah’s not entirely certain Shane is willing to make up his mind about making space in his life for her.

This is a really enjoyable read. In this opposites attract romance, Jerica MacMillan gives us heartwarming, sweet moments with Christmas at the center of it all. There is plenty of chemistry between Shane & Sarah. I loved the scenes with Shane, Sarah & Sophie together, too. These were sweet and touching. I liked that though there were quite a few characters introduced, the story was easy to follow. I liked the epilogue, and look forward to another read soon from Ms. MacMillan.

I recommend this read wholeheartedly.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!


Meet Jerica MacMillan

Jerica MacMillan has been reading romance since she stumbled into the paperback section of the library as a middle schooler. And it’s been an ongoing love affair ever since!

You can frequently find her sipping coffee out of snarky mugs while dreaming up stories and trying to bring them to life on the page. Join her Book Club at and get a free book!

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Release Blitz: A Real Cowboy for Christmas by Stephanie Rowe ~ 4.5 stars

A Real Cowboy for the Holidays by Stephanie Rowe is now live!

A single mom returns to Wyoming to save her family Christmas tree farm…with the help of an injured cowboy who just might be the dad her little boy needs. A fun holiday romance that will melt your heart.

★★★★★ ” An epic heartwarming story.” ~Vicki R (Amazon Review on A Real Cowboy for Christmas)

After a shattering divorce, former NYC ad exec Emma Rollins moved back home to Wyoming to give her son a better life. But with her family Christmas tree farm on the brink, she needs help fast, or the three-generation business will be gone forever…and all the memories with it.

Sidelined from Smokejumping with a devastating injury, Quintin Stockton is struggling to deal with the fact his career might be over. But when a family situation drags the former cowboy home for Christmas, he finds himself haunted by the shadows he’s never been able to escape.

When a desperate single mom barters for his help hauling Christmas trees around, it’s the distraction Logan needs. But when the loner cowboy discovers it comes with her parents and a brave little boy, suddenly he has a chance to for the Christmas love he didn’t even know he wanted.

Can Christmas magic bring love to two hearts that were once closed forever?


Fighting to replace the hurt and shyness her little boy feels, Emma brings them both home for the holidays. She doesn’t expect to run into her old friend Quintin, and she surely doesn’t expect to fall for him, knowing she isn’t free to love him.

Quintin is struggling with the fact that his career as a smokejumper is over. The loss is acute and threatens to overshadow his life. But when he sees Emma again after so long, he wonders if his life can’t be rearranged just a bit so that he could be free to love her.

Stephanie Rowe’s heartwarming take on a second chance, holiday-themed romance is sure to melt your heart and make you feel that anything is possible – even Christmas miracles.

I definitely recommend it.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

★★★★★ “This is one of the best romance series I’ve read!” ~Jennnifer L (Goodreads Review)

★★★★★ “Wonderfully written, lots of heart.” ~Candy G. (Amazon Review on A Real Cowboy for Christmas)

★★★★★ “What an amazing series…If you love strong loyal men that just happen to wear cowboy hats and love so strong, then this book is for you.” ~Kindle Customer (Amazon Review on A Real Cowboy Loves Forever)

★★★★★ “I adore this family! This book was wonderful. This is definitely one of my favorite series.” ~Txlamb (Five-star Amazon Review on A Real Cowboy Loves Forever)

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New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Stephanie Rowe is both “contemporary romance at its best” (Bex ‘N’ Books) and a “paranormal star” (JR Ward). The author of more than fifty novels, Stephanie is a 2021 Vivian Award Nominee, and a 2018 winner and a five-time nominee for the RITA® award, the highest awards in romance fiction. As an award-winning author, Stephanie has been touching readers’ hearts and keeping them spellbound for more than a decade with her contemporary romances, romantic suspense, and paranormal romances. For more info on Stephanie, visit, follow her on Facebook: @StephanieRoweBooks, Twitter: @stephanierowe2, and Instagram: @stephanierowe2.

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