Teaser: On the Edge by Julia Connors



Not thinking about your ex-boyfriend’s amazing body when he’s a professional skier and you’re his physical therapist…hard.

Keeping your heart hardened against him when he’s actively trying to win you back, and it would be so easy to let him…harder.

Waking up in the middle of an erotic dream where he has the lead role, only to realize that you can’t ever let that happen in real life…the hardest.

Only read ON THE EDGE if you’re into:

💪A hero who’s not afraid to fight for the woman he loves.
❤️‍🩹A heroine who’s not about to get her heart broken again.
🌎Travel to ski destinations around the world.
🎿Athletes with killer bodies and soft hearts.
🔥Sexual tension, banter, and all the steamy scenes.
💗Second chances.

On the Edge, by Julia Connors, Author

Pre-order on Amazon: https://geni.us/OnTheEdgeAmazon

Add it to your Goodreads TBR: https://geni.us/OnTheEdgeGoodreads

Release Blitz: Unexpected Savior by Susana Mohel ~ 4.5 stars

Title: Unexpected Savior
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Susana Mohel
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 12, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
They called me the villain. Homewrecker.
The other woman.
But there’s something dangerous about mistakes. You don’t realize you’re making one until it’s too late…
“You haven’t changed at all,” Bridget said to me that day.
Those words hit me hard. I left, ready to start a new life for me and my daughter.
Now, years later, I’m working hard. Doesn’t matter how complicated it is or if the guilt gets to me.
I’m alive and he’s not.
But life throws me a curve ball when I’m not expecting it.
Intense grey eyes, killer smile, and the determination to tear my walls down. He knows my weakness, and a man like him is never afraid to use it against me. My four-year-old daughter.
I’m rewriting my story, unprepared for him. And I’m not ready for what destiny has in store for us.
Nicolaus Novak just might become my friend, my lover… the man who helps me to discover I deserve a happy ending… my unexpected savior.
Unexpected Savior is an angsty single parent/redemption romance inspired by British Bedmate.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
This story was a well-written one. I found myself unwilling to put it down, even to sleep!

Susana Mohel is a new-to-me author that impressed me. The way the author crafted those twists and turns in the story, showing connections to times and events that had previously seemed innocuous… I definitely know that she will be on my watch list from now on.

I liked that while Gina knew her mistakes were big, costly ones, she was trying to do her best to ensure that her daughter didn’t have to suffer. I loved how patient and sweet Nico was with her, and I loved the way he took to Olivia.

Nico & Gina’s story is heartwarming, inspiring and just an all-round good read. It is more than a story of atonement and second chances. It is a story of forgiveness, self-acceptance and moving on with your life.

I recommend this story unreservedly & wholeheartedly. These three main characters will have you rooting for them from the get-go.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.


Susana Mohel is a bilingual, international bestseller, and the author of twenty books published in two languages. In 2016, Susana was chosen as an Amazon Indie Contest finalist.
Married to the Grinch, she’s the mother of a beautiful girl and a fur baby. For her, life is about having fun with her family, crafting, and everything pineapple. She’s a consummated goal digger, who writes heart-wrenching second chances and enemies to lovers sprinkled with fun and sexiness.


#ReleaseBlitz #ReviewBlitz: Veritas by @AmandaWrites_ ~ #4stars

Veritas by A.L. Woods is now live!

A steamy enemies-to-lovers single dad romance from bestselling author, A.L. Woods.


It was supposed to be a fling.
A one-night stand.
Then Jordan Kovacs asked for more.
A date. I don’t date—I f*ck.
While he showered, I left.
The end.
Or so I thought. I have a problem.
My ex-f*ck buddy is getting married.
And I can’t get out of going—long story.
I need an arrangement I can understand from a man who only had me for a night.
But Jordan has other plans for me.
Things that will tip the scales in his favor.


A tryst was what she was looking for.
A date was what I wanted.
A chance.
I understand Maria Tavares.
She’s a beautiful lie.
Now she needs something from me: a favor.
So I’ll function in a way she can understand: an arrangement.
Three months.
All in. Strings attached. No interferences. Titles exchanged.
The plan is simple, with only one rule—veritas.
Let’s see if Maria’s ex-f*ck buddy understands that, too.

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!
US: https://amzn.to/3yfNnG4
WW: http://mybook.to/veritas

Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3emkJuZ


Veritas is a complex, deep read that will make you think.

Maria Tavares is 34 and one of the best attorneys at her firm, yet her contributions are overlooked and she is passed over for partner repeatedly. Determined to try to figure out if she truly is the obstacle to her life moving forward, she decides to go to therapy. The decision has a domino effect, bringing her past, present and future together in a way she never planned.

“Sometimes the things we thought we wanted the most aren’t the things that are right for us.”

Jordan Kovacs can’t get the beautiful woman with whom he spent one glorious night with last October, but she’s made it clear that she wants to forget him and pretend their night together never happened. Known to not back down from a challenge, Jordan has tried every trick in his arsenal to have Maria in his arms again. Victory comes when he accepts an invitation from the woman herself to a wedding as her plus one. Knowing he has but a short time, Jordan tries not to spook Maria with how quickly his feelings for her have grown, but secrets on both their parts could threaten what shaky foundation they already have.

“I wanted Maria Tavares – breakfast, lunch and dinner, and any other way I could have her… I wanted to be the source of her happiness and her scorn.”

With lots of characters, emotions and a quick pace, Veritas is a read that makes sure you have to pay attention in order for the pieces of the puzzle to fit and fall into place. You will run the gamut of emotions for each of the characters as you read, especially Maria, as she she struggles with her identity and tries to sort out her feelings. Relinquishing control has never been her forte, and she struggles throughout the book. By the end of the book, though, I had a healthier respect for her, as she grew and matured.

I recommend this steamy, off-the-charts-chemistry, complicated read. You’ll be glued to its pages, and thinking about it days afterward.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Meet A.L. Woods

A.L. Woods is an author of rollercoaster romances, caffeine aficionado, and collector of Sailor Moon paraphernalia.

She lives 40 minutes west of Toronto, Ontario with her partner, Michael, and their 8lb larger-than-life miniature dachshund, Maia-whom they lovingly refer to as their ‘doghter.’

Woods can be found holed away in her office writing her next novel with a bowl of Nibs within arm’s reach. When she’s not writing, she’s likely belting out an ad-libbed song, emotionally investing in a fictional bad boy with a strong jawline and fluency in sarcasm or inventing fresh ways to procrastinate.

She believes that burritos should be in their own food group, loves the fall, winged liner, and listening to metalcore at an offensive level.

Connect with A.L.
Website | amandawrites.ca
Goodreads | https://bit.ly/3oC8U67
Amazon | https://amzn.to/2YCdaYG
Facebook | https://bit.ly/3tr5G9k
Facebook Group | https://bit.ly/3oFL0qp
Instagram | https://bit.ly/2YxC6R0
Twitter | https://bit.ly/3cq2gxs
Pinterest | https://bit.ly/3oKl7G8
BookBub | https://bit.ly/3CgDnP8
Newsletter | https://bit.ly/2YCitrf

#ReleaseBlitz: Revengeful Romeo by @_ashleybostock ~ #5stars

Title: Revengeful Romeo
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Ashley Bostock
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 5, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
Money doesn’t buy happiness.
Trust me, I’ve had it all my life and I have nothing.
No love. No joy. No pizzaz.
To make matters worse, my parents are pushing me to marry someone who doesn’t even give me orgasms.
Yes, it took me awhile to figure out that I needed to stand up for myself.
Which is why I was on my way to NYC—boyfriendless and out on my own for the very first time in my life.
Except when I got there, I ran in to someone I wasn’t expecting.
Holden King aka my new boss. I was hired to work directly beneath him.
Did I mention he was my ex-best friend who left me without a backward glance when I was sixteen?
I never thought I would see him again.
I tried quitting. Oh, God, how I tried. Even though I officially gave him up seven years ago, it was like he was already back in my heart.
Plus, he fueled my desire to live for myself. Hello, bucket list. It was back in business.
Only, Holden King was never crossed off my bucket list. He was still there, written in black ink, enclosed with tiny red hearts.
It was clear he had completed his bucket list.
Own a corporation. Check.
Billionaire. Check
Lamborghini. Check.
Only he added something to that list that I never would have dreamed about in a million years.
Revenge against my dad. Almost check.
Yeah, that was the part I didn’t see coming.
Revengeful Romeo is a second chance/friends to lovers/billionaire romance inspired by Playboy Pilot.
Free in Kindle Unlimited


12 years ago, Juliette and Holden parted under sad circumstances, but both promised to keep in touch. Holden didn’t keep his end of the bargain, allowing the friendship to die. When the Juliette unknowingly applies for and accepts a job at the company Holden now owns, friction abounds and sparks fly as the two work through the pain of the past and what it means for their current relationship.

“What is written in the stars cannot be avoided.”

Though Holden initially tried to avoid his feelings for Juliette when she was 16 and he 19, life brought the two of them right back into each other’s lives in the most unexpected and interesting way. Their connection was strong and though badly damaged, it wasn’t completely broken even more than a decade later.

“I was in love with Holden. I had always been in love with Holden. I felt as if he had been made for my body and soul.”

Juliette tries to reconcile the Holden she grew up with to the blunt, cold businessman she now knows. She knows some part of the boy she knew still lingers, but wonders if he will ever understand that all the money in the world won’t make you happier if your heart isn’t in the right place.

“I want to be smothered with love. Friendship. Happiness… For once in my life, I want someone who values me for me.”

When the chance to be with Juliette arises, Holden grabs it with both hands, knowing that with Juliette is where he is most happy.

“This was what happiness felt like. I’d never experienced it before.”

I enjoyed the read. I loved the whole concept of the bucket list and the way the author made it central to the plot. I loved Holden & Juliette’s banter. I liked that although Juliette was sheltered and naïve about many things, she still had a strong backbone, and knew when to push, yield or stand her ground. Holden just needed to have his head screwed on straight, but I never doubted he and Juliette’s chemistry.

I recommend this read wholeheartedly and unreservedly. Ashley Bostock has written a really good book that is a great addition to the Cocky Hero Club series.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Ashley Bostock was born and raised in Colorado, but her husband moved mountains to get her to Nebraska where they currently reside with their two children and her animals. She stays busy daydreaming about the hot men she writes about in her novels.
She has traveled all over the world, but still has an extensive list of places she would love to visit. Anywhere near a sky-blue ocean will always be at the top of that list, although going back to South Africa’s Kruger National Park to view the wildlife is a close second.
She carries a bachelor’s degree in History with a concentration in Elementary Education from Metropolitan State College of Denver. While she loves children, she now fears teaching, which probably has something to do with being a stay-at-home mom.
You can usually find Ashley on Instagram.

#ReleaseBlitz: Noble Neighbor by Nicole Ann Nielsen ~ #5 stars

Title: Noble Neighbor
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Nicole Ann Nielsen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 15, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
Escaping the publicity following the murder of his wife, Oliver and his son relocate to a small town and start afresh.
He never expected to fall for another woman.
After years of moving from place to place, Sunny and her daughters finally settle on a little slice of Nebraskan soil.
Falling for her neighbor was not part of her plan.
But Oliver is hard to resist. And he’s determined to break down Sunny’s walls.
When Sunny’s past collides with her present, will she do what she’s done before — take her girls and run?
Or will she stay and fight for love?
Noble Neighbor is a second chance at love/single parent romance inspired by Mister Moneybags.
Free in Kindle Unlimited


This was a different sort of story than what I was expecting but I really, really enjoyed it.

Oliver, his dad & his son have been living in Nebraska for the past 5 years. Currently, Oliver is struggling to write in peace, without the reminders of his sad past popping up. When his pretty, brunette neighbour moves in, and she and her girls fit into their lives seamlessly, Oliver suddenly finds himself interested in loving again. Despite the shadows in Sunny’s eyes, Oliver is sure that they have a connection that they can absolutely explore.

Sunny has just moved to Nebraska with her daughters. Eager to finally put down roots, she opens her home to strays, but soon realises that her next door neighbour may be the one thing that she can’t fully let into her heart and life, no matter how much she wants to, since her past is too much to share.

This book literally had me on edge! I couldn’t put it down, because I wanted to find out how all the secrets were going to come out, and how huge the conflict would be. On the other hand, I couldn’t wait for Sunny & Oliver to finally get together.

I can’t wait to read more from this author. This book was well-written, with great, authentic characters, and full of deep emotion. I recommend this read wholeheartedly and unreservedly.


“I’m going to tell Oliver everything. Today.”
Sunny ended the call, chucked the phone onto the bed, and stormed from the room before she talked herself out of her decision. A couple of minutes later, she let herself into Oliver’s home.
“Hello?” Listening, the only sound within the house was the tick-tock from the grandfather clock in the hallway. She shrugged out of her jacket and hung it on the rack before making her way to his office.
It was empty, but the aroma of a steaming mug of coffee on his desk called to her. Sunny meandered over and took a sip. One sip led to a second, and she settled into his chair, closing her chilled hands around the ceramic, figuring he wouldn’t mind if she waited.
He might object to her finishing his coffee, and the thought brought a smile to her lips. She could always offer to pay penance.
But her smile dimmed as she remembered her reason for the visit. Oliver deserved the truth before he — either of them — took that final step.
Hopefully, he would be as understanding as she reckoned. Then again, his wife was a murder victim. And taking on the Jones girls and their baggage was a huge commitment. And maybe he wasn’t the man she thought him to be.
Urgh. Stop second-guessing yourself.
She placed the mug down, accidently knocking the mouse. The monitor lit up, drawing her gaze.
Shock bulleted through her.
The words filled her vision, ricocheting in her mind. She shook her head and read them again.

Nicole Ann Nielsen believes in romance, in love, and in everyone deserving a happy ever after.
And that is what she writes — Contemporary Romance.
Working as a web developer and running her own company, one morning, having had enough of code, she opened a word document, and finally, finally, let the ideas bouncing around her head out.
In her own words: “The words flowed, the characters talked, the scenes developed, and a story formed. It was magical.”
Nicole lives in scenic Cape Town, South Africa, and shares her space with her husband, two dogs, and a lone cat.
She is an avid reader, enjoys Pilates, inhales coffee, and loves dreaming about her next novel.

#ReleaseBlitz: Seductive Scoundrel by @opwrites & @marlo_lanz ~ 4.5 stars

Title: Seductive Scoundrel
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Authors: Olivia Peters & Marlo Lanz
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 6, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
Dean McCormick
Everything in my life is big from my penthouse to my ego, and I always get what I want. So when a mystery woman at a masquerade party leaves me with only her phone number, I’m annoyed – and intrigued.
Mia is as smart as she is sexy, and she challenges my dominance in ways no one else has dared. But she’s also been lying to me, and a scandal from her past threatens my lucrative deal with the legendary Dex Truitt.
I made a mistake letting her in. I might love her, but I can’t risk trusting her.
Mia Ford
When I fled Kansas for New York, I expected to have a fun, new life. Instead, I’ve become a workaholic with only a tiny apartment to show for it.
Until I get a sext meant for someone else. I play along because what Dean’s after is all I’m willing to give. But as I get to know the man behind the empire, I fall for him – hard.
When my past catches up with me, Dean ends our relationship. But I’ll teach him that my love is his most powerful asset.
I’m not running this time – I’m fighting for my rightful place by his side.
Seductive Scoundrel is a billionaire romance inspired by Mister Moneybags.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Dean plays all his cards close to the vest, especially his emotional ones. He doesn’t feel the desire to settle down, instead opting for casual arrangements. Work has been his priority for a long time, and he has no intention of changing that. When Mia enters his life, he’s struck by how easily his focus shifts, as no other woman before her has come that close to altering his life. But as the secrets she keeps continue blindsiding him, he begins to wonder if letting his guard down was the right call all along.

Mia responds to a text meant for someone else and begins a seductive game of cat and mouse with Dean McCormick. But as she gets to know the man under the expensive suits and cool façade, she finds herself wishing that he could be permanent in her life. Caught up in the fantasy, will Mia be able to convince Dean that her love is real and true, or will she be the villain in her own love story?

I liked the premise and general story arc in this book. Dean & Mia had real chemistry, and I genuinely enjoyed their banter. I loved the emotional undertones that the authors snuck in, too, ensuring that I truly enjoyed the book. I recommend it. It is a great addition to the Cocky Hero Club series.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.


Olivia Peters is an executive ghostwriter by day and a romance novelist by night. She’s based in Toronto, Ontario, but spends as much time as possible at her lake house dreaming about her next story.

Olivia writes unapologetically about hot, dirty-talking alpha men, and the strong, sexy women who bring them to their knees. Readers can count on angst, steam and guaranteed happily ever afters.

When Olivia isn’t writing, she’s spending time with her family, enjoying the great outdoors, and cooking up a storm in her cluttered kitchen.

Marlo is a Canadian girl, fond of the rolling prairies and majestic mountains close to her city home. And, of course, hockey, maple syrup and saying ‘eh.’ Working in healthcare, Marlo believes that laughter is the best medicine and tries to put it to good use in her writing and at her day job.

#ReleaseBlitz: Replay by @amydawsauthor ~ #5stars


Football club lawyer, Santino Rossi is known in the locker room as the two-month chump. For years he’s been on a mission to find someone he can share his basil plant with and cure him of his former playboy ways. So when he ends up stuck in an elevator with the one that got away, he thinks a replay is a great game plan.
Download now or read in Kindle Unlimited

book info

Author: Amy Daws
Genre: Sports Romance
Release Date: April 8, 2021
Cover Designer: Amy Daws


full blurb

Replay Cover-wrap-LESS GREEN-front--

Anyone can fall for their brother’s best friend…Tilly Logan fell for her brother’s enemy.

Football club lawyer, Santino Rossi is known in the locker room as the two-month chump. For years he’s been on a mission to find someone he can share his basil plant with and cure him of his former playboy ways.

Tilly Logan is a fiery, Scottish lass who didn’t bat an eye five years ago when a smoldering Italian pulled her into a nightclub bathroom. He was dark, dangerous, and exactly the good time Tilly was looking for—even if he worked for her over-protective brother’s team.

But a lot has changed and when Tilly returns to London five years later only to find herself trapped in an elevator with the smoldering Italian, it isn’t a happy reunion. Especially because her brother blames Santino for her high tailing it back to Scotland in the first place.

Tilly doesn’t want a replay of past mistakes and reconnecting with Santino is playing with fire.

But if they keep their relationship a secret, it could be worth the burn.


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This is a beautiful story of how life and pain can change a person, and how healing love can be.

Five years after a casual relationship between Tilly Morgan and himself went up in flames, Santino Rossi is stunned and delighted to see her again. Would a second chance see them becoming more than what they were, or is this a rerun of a show that no one needs to see anymore?

Tilly is finally in a good place, and she’s not sure that a blast – albeit a very sexy one – from her past is a step in the right direction. Yet, she realises that they both feel the attraction that brought them together 5 years ago. Keeping it casual is a breeze until love begins to dismantle the walls they have built sky high around them.

I enjoyed this read. It’s full of love, laughter (Chapter 27 had me howling!), steam, second chances and family, mixed with a few tears. It deals with some heavy topics, but I dare you to read it and not find it delightful. You’ll love sassy, fiery Tilly, and swoon over Santino.

I am already looking forward to more from this family/series.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.


“Sei bellissima stasera,” I growl, sliding my hands into her loose, straight locks as I press my lips to hers for a quick kiss. I drag the backs of my fingers down her pale cheek and add, “Beautiful.”

She grips my arms, her eyes wide and challenging. “How did I never know you spoke Italian?”

“I’m a man of mystery.” I dip my nose to the area below her ear, inhaling her intoxicating scent of honey and citrus. After spending the night making out with her a few days ago, I haven’t been able to stop craving her scent. She arches into my touch, and the motion causes my cock to stir inside my jeans. Pulling back, I stare at her lips. “And no one said I spoke good Italian. I might have just told you that you look like a beetroot.”

Her hands slide up the short sleeves of my shirt, her fingers biting into my biceps. “I love beetroots.”

“Nobody loves beetroots.” I laugh and tilt my head with a smug look. “Hai delle labbra così deliziose…Vorrei tanto baciarti.”

Her jaw drops. “What did you just say?”

Smiling, I lean in and whisper against her lips, “I said your lips are so delicious…I would really like to kiss you.”

Without pause, I fuse our mouths together and tease my tongue along her lush lips. She tastes minty, and that, coupled with her honey scent, has me deepening the kiss even further. Her hands move from my arms to my waist as she fists my T-shirt. When I thrust my tongue deep into her mouth, she inhales sharply, and her faint moan vibrates against my lips. Moving my hands down to her arse, I pull her into me so she can feel the effect she’s having on me.

“Okay, Sonny Corleone, no need to get cheeky.” She breaks our kiss, her face adorably flushed as she glances around nervously and finger combs her mussed locks. “We’re in public, after all.”

I shove my hands into my pockets. “It’s been a long time.”

“It’s been a few days.”

“Give or take five years.” I wink playfully, causing her to roll her eyes.



Check out Amy’s Facebook page for an awesome giveaway!


about the author

Amy Daws Head Shot-sizedown

Amy Daws is an Amazon Top 13 bestselling author of sexy, contemporary romance novels. She enjoys writing love stories that take place in America, as well as across the pond in England. When Amy is not writing in a tire shop waiting room, she’s watching Gilmore Girls, or singing karaoke in the living room with her daughter while Daddy smiles awkwardly from a distance. For more of Amy’s work, visit: http://www.amydawsauthor.com


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#ReviewTour: Broken by @WritesEvelyn ~ #5stars

He swept into my life, like an unexpected storm. One minute I’m planning forever and the next, I’m left picking up the pieces. Three years have passed and now he’s back wanting to reclaim what once was. Can lightning strike twice or will they be left broken? Readers who love second chance romances will enjoy this diverse, contemporary romance. 

Read Now!

I never saw Noah Weston coming. He swept into my life like an unexpected storm, but soon, he was everything to me.
Until tragedy struck.
One day I was planning the rest of my life with my soulmate, and the next I was picking up the pieces of a love so strong, it broke me apart.
It took three years to put myself back together.
Three years until I was ready to move on.
I’ll never forget it. The day he came back.
Can lightening strike twice? Maybe, but when I look into his eyes, all I remember are the last words he ever spoke to me.
The words that left me broken.

I loved her before I knew her name. She was more than just my heartbeat. Julia Blake was a dream too good to be true.
When real life invaded the bubble we had created, I was left a broken man.
I survived, but I was dead inside. Half the man I used to be.
The half I needed had a new life without me.
Three years later, I’m back to reclaim what I’ve lost.
I’m back for her, only she wants nothing to do with me.

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A scorching hot and emotional romance that reminds us about the power of love and second chances.

“I’m broken, but I’m yours.”

After a near-fatal accident, Noah Weston has never been the same. Fear of being half the man he used to be, he pushed away the only woman he knew he would ever love. Since his dreams were being crushed, he saw it to be only fair that she be allowed to move on without him. But after realising his mistake, he’s back 3 years later. Hopefully, it’s not too late.

“His touch was always heaven until he took it away.”

Three years after the accident that forever changed her life and almost broke her mind, Julia Blake is still trying to forget the man that seems to have so much power over her. Just as she tells herself that she needs to properly move on, he blows right back into her life, begging and pleading for a second chance with her heart. As they try to rebuild the broken trust between them, they face the same obstacles that loomed before them 3 years earlier.

“I’m still the man you fell in love with, and you’re the same girl who gave me half her brownie.”

I respected & admired Noah’s determination and desire to make Julia see that he was truly sorry. He was willing to do whatever it took – including endure any humiliation she would put him through. I understood Julia’s reticence and reluctance to trust. Yet, you could feel her heart literally calling out for Noah’s whenever they were in the same area together. I was enthralled by their story, and eager to see them be happy together again.

I loved the entire cast of characters, including those that were introduced as villains. The author really did a wonderful job of giving each secondary character a solid presence in the book without making things confusing.

I recommend this read wholeheartedly & unreservedly. It really gives an exemplary showing of how love and forgiveness work well together.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.


Copyright 2021 @Evelyn Sola

“Oh, really?” I take one shoe off and throw it at him as hard as possible. He manages to move before it makes contact. He’s not so lucky with the second shoe, and it hits him right on the shoulder. “Here! Take them! And for the last time, this is not our anniversary! You broke up with me, remember? This is a Friday night, and I planned on going out with a man I’m interested in getting to know and possibly fuck. Do you know why? Because I’m single!”
“Girl, watch your mouth. Don’t make me call your momma,” Mr. Hampton yells.
All the neighbors stare, waiting to see what we do next. Anger fuels my next steps as I stomp my way back to my house, but Noah and Greg are right behind me. A few of the neighbors have now stepped off their porch to stand on the sidewalk.
“You guys want a show?” I shout.
“Bring it, girl,” someone answers back.
“This is what I’m going to do with your anniversary flowers, you lying, selfish jerk.” I open the door and grab the arrangement. I walk to the middle of the street, lift it above my head, and slam it to the ground with all the strength I can muster. The vase shatters in the middle of the street, the two dozen roses bounce on the pavement, and the water from the vase rolls down the concrete. “Happy fucking anniversary, you liar! Go to hell or go back to your racist parents. I don’t care which, just stay the fuck away from me, or I swear to God, that limp will be the least of your problems!”
“Leave my parents out of this! This is between us, and for the record, I haven’t talked to them in months.”
“Sure. You managed to buy a house on your teacher’s salary, right? That’s realistic considering you’ve had the job for two months. Maybe you used your nonexistent teaching bonus as a down payment? God, you’re a liar, and I hate myself for never seeing you for the dishonest person that you are!”
“Why do you keep calling me a liar? What the fuck do you think I lied about?” he yells.
“You lied about everything!” I scream so loud I can feel the vein in my neck pulsing. I take a step closer and point my finger in his face. “I love you, Li. You’re my world, Li. I want you to have my baby, Li. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Li.” I do a poor imitation of his voice as I scream in his face. “And you let me believe you were a struggling student just like me, not the son of millionaires. Everything about you is a lie. Our entire relationship was an illusion.”
“I meant all of that! I still want all of that with you, and I never told you I was struggling. We never even talked about money. Everything I said was true. Every feeling. I love you so much, it physically hurts to breathe sometimes.”

Q & A With Eveyln Sola

  1. Have you always wanted to be a writer?

No, I didn’t. I’ve always been an avid reader, but I never aspired to be a writer. I never thought I had it in me to tell a story from beginning to end and keep it interesting. Then around 2016/2017, I started reading Fifty Shades of Grey fanfiction. After about a year of being a reader, I was persuaded by a couple of people to write my own stories, so I did, and I haven’t looked back since. Once I did that, it didn’t take much to convince myself that I can create my own characters and my own world.

  1. Describe your typical writing day for us.

I try to do most of my writing in the morning. I’m fresher and more alert when I first wake up. I guess I’m what is known as that annoying morning person, but I have a fulltime job, which gets in the way of my passion. I try to do about an hour’s worth of writing before work and a few sprints during the day. My goal is to get two thousand word down each day. I don’t always make it, but that’s always my goal.

  1. Where does your inspiration come from?

Other writers in the Indie community inspire me. From people who have been at it for years, to those who are just starting out like me.

  1. How do you come up with your book titles?

All of my titles so far are one word. I try to find a verb that best captures the essence of the book.

  1. Can you share with us something about the book that isn’t included with the blurb?

As you know, Broken is a second chance romance. One of my favorite romance tropes, by the way. The hero is the one who ends the relationship, and he shows back up three years later. He not only manages to get a job at the same place as the heroine, but he moves in across the street from her as well. He infiltrates her life in every way.

  1. Do you listen to music when writing? If so, can you share with us some of the songs that inspired you or that you listened to while writing?

I don’t listen to music when I write. I always have the TV on, however, and it’s usually on Investigation Discovery.

  1. Using only 3 words how would you describe Julia? Noah?

Julia is strong. I believe she’s a survivor. She’s also guarded.  Noah is resilient, brave, and definitely a fighter.

  1. What do you hope readers will take away from this book?

This is a story about two young people who find love until they are forced apart. It’s a story about family and the power of forgiveness.

About Evelyn Sola 

A Boston native, wife, mother, and wine enthusiast. If she’s not writing, thinking about writing, you will find Evelyn with a book in her hands. While a new publisher, she’s been writing for years, and she will continue to write for many years to come.

Evelyn is obsessed with assertive and confident men who will stop at nothing to get their woman. Her stories are filled with love, passion and humor.

She currently lives in Chicago, IL with her husband and two daughters.

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#ReleaseBlitz: Goodbye Guy by @jodi_watters ~ #5stars

Title: Goodbye Guy
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Jodi Watters
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 24, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
He’s back. Jameson Maine.
The boy I used to love.
The man I love to hate. Hate like it’s a hobby. Like it’s my job.
Ironic, since love is my profession.
But with the passage of time, I’ve finally healed. Repaired the broken parts his betrayal shattered inside me, and silenced the haunting memories of what he took from me.
What he made me give up.
She’s still here. Chloe Morgan.
The girl I left behind.
The woman I can’t let go of. No matter how many miles. No matter how much time.
Annoying, since love is my nemesis.
But with the death of my father, I’m forced home. To finally face the ramshackle remains of my family’s estate, and the lying woman who broke my heart and ruined me for life.
Who’s ready to do so again.
Tears were shed, lies were spread, and secrets were kept that fateful summer ten years ago. But no longer. Now exposed, those skeletons rock our worlds all over again. But two things remain the same…
And hate.
*Goodbye Guy is a second chance romance inspired by Stuck-Up Suit.


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Goodbye Guy is a read you’ll absolutely love, tears and all.

Chloe Morgan & Jameson Maine hate each other. Desperately. Intensely. Passionately. They also love each other even more so. But will the past decade be too much to overcome? What about the untold secrets between them?

… My love for you… Didn’t want it. Didn’t want to feel it. Only wanted to hate you.”
I hurt for both Chloe & Jameson as I read these pages. Both hated each other for different, misunderstood reasons, and because they loved each other, it made the hate deeper & more painful. It turned into a situation where neither could move on from the other because of all the unresolved feelings. But like her father, Chloe is a shrewd person, and managed to maneuver Jameson right back where he swore he would never be. As they learn about the people they’ve become, as well as the situations they cannot change, moving forward – together – is the best gift they could give themselves.

The best part about this book? It’s a story that could have easily happened to anyone you know. Cuz love isn’t always a pretty, planned-out, coordinated affair. There are bumps and bruises, dips and valleys throughout. Mistakes made that make you wish that you could go back in time. But all you can do is make the best of the present, hoping for a future where you are at least content, if not happy.

I can’t recommend this read enough. I don’t want to go too deeply, because I think you should hear/read this couple’s story for yourself through Jodi’s words. She glues you to the pages of a love that survives time, distance and mounds of heartbreak. It’s a stark reminder that if you want anything enough, you can definitely have it.

Grab a copy of Goodbye Guy. Choose a comfy spot – you’ll be reading for awhile. Grab your tissues, especially for that epilogue ❤ You’ll love it.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.


My love for steamy romance began when I was in junior high. A friend and I noticed a dumpster of discarded paperbacks behind our local dime store. Covers missing and each book split down the spine, I scanned the pages for any love or lust words—and curse words, too. From that point on, I scoured the public library and the paperback racks at every store, reading anything labeled romance. I said a tearfully grateful goodbye to Judy Bloom, and Jackie Collins began ruling my world.

I live with my high school sweetheart husband in the desert Southwest. Awesome in the winter, not so much in the summer.

My life long goals are to think before I speak, smile more and swear less, and actually weigh what my driver’s license states I do.


#ReleaseBlitz: The Wrong Brother by @amanda_siegrist ~ #4stars

Title: The Wrong Brother
Series: perfect for you #1
Author: Amanda Siegrist
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: August 11, 2020
Objective: Get hired as a temporary secretary and find out if Champ Holloway is a dirty, cheating scumbag.
Time Frame: One week.
Gabby would do anything for her best friend, Mia. Anything. That’s what besties are for, right? But going undercover at her boyfriend’s work to find out if he’s cheating seems a bit extreme. Except she can’t say no. Never to Mia. The moment she walks in and sees her boyfriend, she knows she made a mistake. He’s sex on a stick, and she wants to take a delicious bite. He’s also a bit too arrogant, needs to work on his pleases and thank yous, and he never smiles. Everyone should smile at least once a day. It’s one long week of a battle of wills, sinful glances, and keeping her hands to herself. All she can do is repeat Mia. Mia. Mia. This is all for Mia. Until she realizes…there are two Mr. Holloways. And she got hired by the wrong one.

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Maybe she should’ve said something to his sweet comment. It’s not like a guy never said she was beautiful before.
But it was the first time she believed it. How did one respond to that? A simple thank you didn’t seem enough. Not to mention awkward. Did she say he was handsome back? He was, but that also felt awkward.
“Gabriella, can I get up?”
“You don’t like where you are?” she asked with a teasing grin. But the panic was setting in. He wanted to pull away from her already. She should’ve responded to his comment.
He kissed her again. “I want to toss this condom away, grab us some beers, and have round two—slower this time. I want to love your body as slowly as I possibly can, savor every single minute. Because I like exactly where I am.”
This, at times, arrogant, thoughtless man, who could work her until her feet wanted to fall off, could also be the sweetest, kindest man she had ever met. Every time he said such wonderful words, it broke a part of the impenetrable wall she had built a long time ago to keep from getting hurt.
Because keeping people outside of the wall was always easier than letting them in.
This wonderful man was creeping his way inside her walls.
She bit her lip as a smile appeared. “I like exactly where you are, too.”
(Copyright © 2020 Amanda Siegrist)
Because she can’t say no to her best friend, Gabriella Stileano goes undercover as a favour, but finds herself in a lot more trouble than she bargained for.

At first, Dane Holloway isn’t too thrilled when his newest sassy hire begins to transform his office, but as she rubs off on him, he realises he needs her in more than a professional capacity.

Gabriella & Dane get together quickly, but the author takes the time to flesh out their relationship, giving them time to try to be what each other needs, mistakes and all.

This cute, fun read is light with entertaining doses of drama and sass.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Author Bio
I’m a USA Today Bestselling Author that loves to write sweet contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels, although I am partial to romantic suspense. Honestly, I love anything that has to do with romance. As long as there’s a happy ending, I’m a happy camper. And insta-love…yes, please! I love baseball (Go Twins!) and creating awesome crafts. I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice, working in that field for several years before I became a stay-at-home mom. I have a few more amazing stories in the works. If you would like to connect with me or see important news, head to my
website at http://www.amandasiegrist.com. Thanks for reading!
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