Release Blitz: Private Instructor by S.A. Clayton ~ 4 stars

Title: Private Instructor
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: S.A. Clayton
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 6, 2022
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
About 40 percent of the general population reports some fear of flying.
For Nicole Jensen, this is more than just a statistic. It’s a reality she lives with daily. So when Nicole is thrust into planning a convention out of state, she soon realizes that she might have to face that fear head-on.
Enter Nash Taylor, former playboy pilot, occasional as$hole, and way too good-looking for Nicole to take seriously. But the more time they spend together, the more she realizes that Nash is way more than what she thought, and falling for him becomes harder and harder.
Without realizing it, Nicole and Nash need each other in ways neither of them expected. But will Nicole’s past hinder their connection or allow it to take off?
Private Instructor is a contemporary romance inspired by Playboy Pilot.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Nicole is dealing with some trauma related to her fear of flying. Forced into confronting her fear, she meets Nash, who encourages her as well as stirs her libido. But her past and her fears are deeply connected, and Nic may have some work to do before she considers herself worthy of Nash. But will his patience extend that far?

This book worked in a way that I didn’t expect. Nash teaches people who are passionate about wanting to fly planes, while Nic was deathly scared of flying on a plane. But as they interacted and grew closer, it was plain that they had chemistry.

This is another good addition to the Cocky Hero Club series, and I recommend it.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

S.A. Clayton lives in a small town outside of Toronto, Canada with her husband and her scary large collection of books that seem to take over every room.
She has worked on both sides of the publishing industry, both in a bookstore and for actual publishing companies. Although she loved both for different reasons, she found that writing was her true passion and has spent the last few years breaking into the industry as best she can.
She is a lover of all things romance and began her writing journey in her late twenties. Since then, she has immersed herself in the romance genre and couldn’t be happier.
When she’s not writing or reading, she enjoys binging a great Netflix show (Stranger Things anyone?), baking (because who doesn’t love cookies!) and spending time with her family.

Release Blitz: Sassy Surrogate by Dorothy Ewels ~ 3.5 stars

Title: Sassy Surrogate
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Dorothy Ewels
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 30, 2022
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
To the outside world, Heath Bailey has it all – looks, wealth, women – the good life. But appearances can be deceiving. All he’s ever wanted was a wife, two-point-four children, and the house with a white picket fence. The “dream”. But that dream dies with the demise of his marriage.
All Danica Bailey wants is for her father to leave her be, to forget she exists. Her father, on the other hand, knows she’s a sure thing when he’s in trouble, and she’s the first person he turns to. But when he causes her to lose her job, Danica has a huge problem on her hands.
Heath devises a plan that will solve both their problems – for Danica to have his baby.
In his mind, surrogacy is the perfect answer. What could possibly go wrong? Right?
Sassy Surrogate is a strangers to lovers/billionaire romance inspired by Stuck-Up Suit.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Heath is struggling to figure out his life after its latest upheaval. Consumed with the idea of a baby, he propositions his assistant’s best friend to be his surrogate, intending the transaction to be purely business. Yet, as time passes, he begins to wonder if love and a family would be too much of a package deal.

Danica is also struggling, having lost her job and finding out her dad’s actions have done more harm than she ever imagined. When propositioned by Heath, she’s not sure if to be excited or scared, as she’s always found him attractive.

This is a quick read, but a full one, nonetheless. I liked the way the author told the story. She kept me interested and turning the pages eagerly. I still have some unanswered questions, as I feel some parts were completely glossed over or forgotten, but overall I found it to be a likeable read.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

South African author Dorothy Ewels lives in the city of her birth, Cape Town, with her husband, son, two crazy rescue dogs and a cat with plenty of cattitude. A lifelong love affair with reading got her writing at a young age, but it wasn’t until she was retrenched in 2017 that she finally found the courage to write her first book, leading to its publication in 2018. She’s addicted to coffee, books and finding humor in life, not to mention happy endings against all odds. As well as being a proud and active member of the Romance Writer’s Organization of South Africa (ROSA), Dorothy is also thrilled to be a contributing author in Samantha A. Cole’s Suspenseful Seduction World, Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward’s Cocky Hero Club, Kristen Proby’s Lady Boss Press and Susan Stoker’s Aces Press.

Release Blitz: Ruthless Rookie by Rachel Leigh ~ 4 stars

Title: Ruthless Rookie
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Rachel Leigh
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 23, 2022
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
Fresh off a plane from France, I was ready for a little reprieve.
After a wild night and a few too many drinks, I ended up in a hotel room with a complete stranger.
I didn’t think I’d ever see him again—boy, was I wrong.
Two days later, he walks into my dad’s office.
He was looking for the man in charge.
Instead, he found me—the boss’s daughter.
A few sly remarks about my family had me all too skeptical about revealing my identity.
It’s a good thing I held back,
because it seems he’s got an opinion about the Big Wig’s daughter, too.
So, I let him believe I was an employee, too.
A measly assistant with the curiosity of a cat.
At least, that’s what he thought.
Now I can find out why he’s painted this dark picture of my family.
And it’s time to show him that I’m more than a name in the rumor mill.
That’s all assuming I’m not exposed first.
Ruthless Rookie is a workplace romance inspired by Mister Moneybags.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Mira has returned from an extended stay abroad to help with the launch of a new product at her family’s company. After leaving under a heavy curtain of shame, she’s determined to prove herself useful this time around. However, a man she meets on her first night back has her rethinking her strategy.

Sawyer is running from his past. A one night stand turns into something he’s not ready to fully describe, but he’s finding that he is more settled and at peace. But can he fully move on from the pain of his past? And can he trust his feelings for his one-night-stand-turned-workmate?

This book is a very quick read with an engaging plot that hooks you from the start. The story is pretty substantial, however. Did I think the resolution was a bit rushed? Yes, but I still enjoyed the read. I found myself wanting more of the story at the end.

I recommend this read.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Rachel Leigh lives in West Michigan with her husband and their three kids. Coffee is her guilty pleasure, along with strong alpha romance heroes. Writing and reading are her passion. She overuses emojis and lol, and finds talking about herself in the third person to be somewhat awkward.

Release Blitz: Cocky Devil by Tara L. Ames ~ 3 stars

Title: Cocky Devil
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Tara L. Ames
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 9, 2022
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
A hockey star looking for more than a score. An Olympic figure skater dodging his play.
A desire too ice melting hot to ignore.
My flight was cancelled and I ended up sharing a ride home with a guy I had met on my vacation. But he was no ordinary guy.
Two hundred pounds of sexy.
Six foot three made of steel.
Top scorer both on and off the ice.
This hottie knew how to slap a puck!
He was #35 on the ice and #1 in puck bunny hearts.
I had to protect myself from this cocky devil before he became #1 in mine. Burned by his teammate, I swore off dating anymore jocks and that included this one… No matter how crazy fun my adventure was with him on that wild trip home!
I wasn’t expecting to fall for a sexy snow bunny on my ski vacation, let alone an Olympic figure skater. But after four amazing days with her, she left me high and dry.
Well, I refused to believe good things come to an end. I was determined to melt away her fears and win her back.
It was game on, baby!
Cocky Devil is a fast-paced hockey romance inspired by Cocky Bastard.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Madison is scared to love after her last relationship failed spectacularly, leaving her drained emotionally. Deciding not to date any more hockey players is her mantra until Alex Kane sits beside her on a chairlift and systematically begins to challenge her preconceived ideas about hockey players as well as penetrate the walls around her heart.

While it has a lot of steamy times in it, I didn’t really find that the couple emotionally connected with each other. Madison was iffy for more than 95% of the book, running hot and cold with her feelings for Alex. I understand that she was hurt badly, but the push and pull between her and Alex wasn’t anything that inspired any swooning on my part. Alex is an easy-to-like hero. He’s honest about his attraction to Madison, and upfront about what he thinks their relationship could become. He falls hard and falls fast. I was surprised the book lasted as long as it did, seeing as it was veering off into instalove territory.

There were other deeper emotional issues that added a bit to the storyline, but weren’t fully fleshed out. I did love the scenes with Chance and family, however. They played the role of secondary characters perfectly.

With a nice epilogue/ending, this fast-paced read got a little better for me.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

USA Today Bestselling Author Tara L. Ames is an award-winning author of contemporary romances. She is a past president of Florida Romance Writers and a recipient of the Bobbi Smith’s RT Preconference Award. She has also received awards for The Risk Taker, book one in the Alpha Aviators series, and for the Me + You Summer Romance Anthology. In addition, she is proud of participating in The Hero’s Journey Home anthology that benefitted veterans suffering from PTSD. Tara lives in Florida and writes full-time. Qigong/Tai Chi/Sudoku are her three biggest addictions besides chocolate.

Release Blitz: Uncocky Hero by Alex Grayson ~ 4 stars

Title: Uncocky Hero
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Alex Grayson
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 26, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
Timing is everything…
Getting cursed out in the middle of the airport isn’t exactly how I pictured meeting the man of my dreams. Then again, fate doesn’t seem to care much about my plans.
Thanks to my failing health, I now have a lifetime of things to do, and a limited amount of time to do them.
Rhys helps me live a little… and one by one we check off my list. From nude beaches to snorkeling to wedding crashing, I find myself falling for the outspoken stranger hard and fast.
He wasn’t on the list…
But can the uncocky hero save me before it’s too late?
Uncocky Hero is an angsty hate to love romance inspired by Playboy Pilot.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
This book will make you experience a wealth of emotion as you read Rhys & Cleo’s story. You will swoon, smile, and tear up as the author takes you on their journey to love & happiness.

As the first line in the blurb says “timing is everything…”, and Rhys & Cleo’s story proves this exactly. Sometimes, things happen the way they’re supposed to, and we only figure out why way afterward. Though they both tried to fight falling for each other, Rhys’ appearance in Cleo’s life was at exactly the right time.

This book is bittersweet, but I am glad I took a chance on it. I recommend it to people who love a bit of angst and high tension with their romance.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Alex Grayson is a USA Today bestselling author of heart pounding, emotionally gripping contemporary romances including the Jaded Series, the Consumed Series, the Hell Night Series, and multiple standalone novels. Her passion for books was reignited by a gift from her sister-in-law. After spending several years as a devoted reader and blogger, Alex decided to write and independently publish her first novel in 2014 (an endeavor that took a little longer than expected). The rest, as they say, is history.
Originally a southern girl, Alex now lives in Ohio with her husband, daughter, three cats and one dog. She loves the color blue, homemade lasagna, casually browsing real estate, and interacting with her readers. Visit her website,, or find her on social media!

Release Blitz: Cocky Hotshot by Anne Marsh ~ 2 stars

Title: Cocky Hotshot
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Anne Marsh
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: December 19, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
What do you do when your cheating business partner/boyfriend (bad, bad idea) announces he’s selling your software company on Thursday to fund his new life with his other girlfriend?
You hurry back to stop him, of course. He’s not getting rich on my dime! Or that would be the plan, but I’m currently lost in the Klamath Mountains, access to my car cut off by a California wildfire, and there’s no way I make it back in time.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, so I come up with a backup plan: putting the six-plus feet of hot, sexy, mountain man who crash-lands at my feet to good use (no, no that).
Bane Wilson is a very cocky hotshot firefighter with a dirty attitude. He never shuts up and he always jumps in feet-first. We clash over life choices, the value of having a good plan, and who’s the boss of who, but it turns out we both sing loudly when no one’s listening, love junk food, and have really lousy exes.
We make a deal. He’ll be my guide down the trail, and I’ll be his chauffeur back to San Francisco. Traveling together disrupts all my carefully laid plans—and no matter how many times I tell myself I don’t even like this guy, the California wilderness isn’t the only thing on fire. Bane and I have serious chemistry. He’s not Mr. Forever. He’s just Mr. Fun. There’s no future for us and we’re supposed to part ways as soon as we reach San Francisco, exactly as I planned. We’ve both been scarred by our pasts and I don’t take chances. Turns out, I never should have let him into my car, let alone my life—or my heart.
Cocky Hotshot is a road trip/forced proximity romantic comedy inspired by Cocky Bastard.
Free in Kindle Unlimited

Peony & Bane serendipitously meet while she is stranded on a mountain hike, and he comes to her rescue. As she lets go of her need to control everything, she soon comes to appreciate the spontaneity that Bane enjoys. But when they return to civilisation, will their new opposites-attract-not-repel partnership withstand reality?

This was just an okay read for me. I tried but failed to understand how, for all her intelligence, Peony got into the situations she did. Also, Bane’s initial job story has so many holes in it. I also didn’t feel a genuine connection between Peony & Bane. The intimate moments were steamy, as well as well-written, but the love connection felt forced.

I think the book could have been more. I’m disappointed it didn’t live up to the hype I gave it in my head.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Anne Marsh writes funny, sexy romantic comedies and paranormal romance.

Release Blitz: Unexpected Savior by Susana Mohel ~ 4.5 stars

Title: Unexpected Savior
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Susana Mohel
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 12, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
They called me the villain. Homewrecker.
The other woman.
But there’s something dangerous about mistakes. You don’t realize you’re making one until it’s too late…
“You haven’t changed at all,” Bridget said to me that day.
Those words hit me hard. I left, ready to start a new life for me and my daughter.
Now, years later, I’m working hard. Doesn’t matter how complicated it is or if the guilt gets to me.
I’m alive and he’s not.
But life throws me a curve ball when I’m not expecting it.
Intense grey eyes, killer smile, and the determination to tear my walls down. He knows my weakness, and a man like him is never afraid to use it against me. My four-year-old daughter.
I’m rewriting my story, unprepared for him. And I’m not ready for what destiny has in store for us.
Nicolaus Novak just might become my friend, my lover… the man who helps me to discover I deserve a happy ending… my unexpected savior.
Unexpected Savior is an angsty single parent/redemption romance inspired by British Bedmate.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
This story was a well-written one. I found myself unwilling to put it down, even to sleep!

Susana Mohel is a new-to-me author that impressed me. The way the author crafted those twists and turns in the story, showing connections to times and events that had previously seemed innocuous… I definitely know that she will be on my watch list from now on.

I liked that while Gina knew her mistakes were big, costly ones, she was trying to do her best to ensure that her daughter didn’t have to suffer. I loved how patient and sweet Nico was with her, and I loved the way he took to Olivia.

Nico & Gina’s story is heartwarming, inspiring and just an all-round good read. It is more than a story of atonement and second chances. It is a story of forgiveness, self-acceptance and moving on with your life.

I recommend this story unreservedly & wholeheartedly. These three main characters will have you rooting for them from the get-go.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.


Susana Mohel is a bilingual, international bestseller, and the author of twenty books published in two languages. In 2016, Susana was chosen as an Amazon Indie Contest finalist.
Married to the Grinch, she’s the mother of a beautiful girl and a fur baby. For her, life is about having fun with her family, crafting, and everything pineapple. She’s a consummated goal digger, who writes heart-wrenching second chances and enemies to lovers sprinkled with fun and sexiness.


Release Blitz: Cocky Rockstar by Regina Frame ~ 3 stars

Title: Cocky Rockstar
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Regina Frame
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 5, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
Trinity was just trying to get to Temecula to see her cousin and start her new life. What she didn’t do was plan accordingly, and ran out of gas in the middle of the desert on her way. When an insanely hot biker takes pity on her, or rather insists on helping her, her brain says no, but her body says yes.
Tucker, the lead singer and guitarist for the up and coming rock band Sutured Souls, is heading home on his bike from a long tour when he happens upon a stranded motorist. When he meets Trinity, he knows he needs to help her. What he didn’t realize was how much he wanted her company once he had her.
Trinity and Tucker fall into an easy friendship, dancing around their intense attraction to one another until the heat between them is about to boil over. But can the cocky rock star get the nice girl?
Cocky Rockstar is a road trip/rock star romance inspired by Cocky Bastard.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
This is my first read by Regina Frame.

Serendipitously, Trinity & Tucker meet when her car runs out of gas on her way to Temecula. She ends up as his housemate temporarily, since her prior housing arrangements fall through. Tucker and Trinity are attracted to each other from the start, but their individual pasts keep on interfering.

I liked the premise of the book, but I don’t think it worked the way it was supposed to. The plot was a bit muddled, especially as it turned out to be an insta-love romance. The timelines were vague, and I felt that the couple didn’t really have enough on-page time together to fall for each other. Even the way the action/suspense scenes went down… I was left confused. I felt like I had missed pieces of it, even though I re-read the sections repeatedly. Additionally, the way that the book was linked to the Cocky Hero Club world was rushed. One moment, the characters appear. Then several scenes later, with no on-page reconnection, they’re suddenly besties.

I think this book had a real chance of being a good read, but it fell short.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Regina Frame lives in a small town in Alabama with her husband and two dogs. If she’s not sitting in front of her computer writing about rockstars, you’ll find her searching Pinterest where she is easily distracted by pictures of Jamie Dornan. In her free time she loves to binge watch Sons of Anarchy on Netflix. She’s on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Join her on her Facebook/Regina’s Rockin Superstars page where she shares teasers along with other information about her current work in progress.

Release Blitz: Pompous Player by Brenda Rothert ~ 4.5 stars

Title: Pompous Player
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Brenda Rothert
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 14, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
I hate Harry Stone.
Before I’d even met the selfish former pro hockey player turned CEO, he was at the top of my shit list.
The entire city of Chicago thinks he’s God’s gift to humanity, but I know the truth.
He knocked up my best friend and then ditched her when she needed him most.
She got sick after that, and before she passed away, she chose me to raise her newborn daughter.
I just need Harry to sign away his rights to the little girl who means everything to me.
Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple.
To stay in his daughter’s life, I end up moving in with the man I detest. Loathe. Despise.
Hating Harry Stone is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.
But slowly discovering a way to not hate him?
Now that, I didn’t see coming.
Pompous Player is a secret baby/enemies to lovers/sports romance inspired by Cocky Bastard.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
This a really enticing enemies-to-lovers romance.

Winter & Harry’s relationship progresses sort of quickly and is border-line insta-love, but the chemistry is there. Underneath the barbs and the sarcasm, ran an undercurrent of obvious tension. Almost movie-like, this book ticks lots of boxes with bits of humor, witty banter, steamy scenes and sweet, heartwarming moments. Harry really stepped up as a father to Avery and did a lot to ensure that Winter would never lose Avery.

With lots of feel-good moments, this is a good read, and I recommend it wholeheartedly.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Brenda Rothert is an Illinois native who was a print journalist for nine years. She made the jump from fact to fiction in 2013 and never looked back. From new adult to steamy contemporary romance, Brenda creates fresh characters in every story she tells. She’s a lover of Diet Coke, lazy weekends and happily ever afters.

Release Blitz: Irresistible Bastard by Diana A. Hicks ~ 5 stars

Title: Irresistible Bastard
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Diana A. Hicks
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 7, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
London’s most eligible bachelor, Ryder Winston Noble is working on a special project at Morgan Financial Holdings in New York City, and I managed to land a job on his team.
For a recent technology grad like me, working alongside the crazy hot, self-made billionaire and computer genius is the opportunity of a lifetime.
But what is it they say about your heroes? Never meet them?
Yeah, Ryder Noble is a bastard with a capital B.
Irresistible Bastard is a steamy single dad/billionaire romance inspired by Stuck-Up Suit.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Ryder Winston Noble’s reputation has preceded him. A hardworking billionaire who plays just as hard, he’s only in New York for a short time to assist his friend Graham Morgan with a security problem he’s having. But his plans get obstructed when he realises his assistant is none other than the woman he’s had a previous unflattering and rather embarrassing encounter with, Bria Venedetta. But in a twist of fate, Bria becomes Ryder’s lifeline at a time he needs help the most, and their relationship changes.

I loved this book. I read it in a matter of hours because I couldn’t put it down. Ryder and Bria’s story drew me in completely. The chemistry, the banter, the twists and turns – everything was just so good! This is my first time reading Diana A. Hicks, and I must say I am impressed. Irresistible Bastard is a great addition to the Cocky Hero Club series.

I wholeheartedly recommend it.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Diana A. Hicks is an award-winning author of dark mafia romance and romantic suspense. Her latest release Big Bad Wolf is out now!
When Diana is not writing, she enjoys kickboxing, traveling, and indulging in the simple joys of life like wine and chocolate. She lives in Atlanta and loves spending time with her two children and husband. Connect with Diana on social media to stay up to date on her latest releases.