Release Blitz: Unexpected Savior by Susana Mohel ~ 4.5 stars

Title: Unexpected Savior
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: Susana Mohel
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 12, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
They called me the villain. Homewrecker.
The other woman.
But there’s something dangerous about mistakes. You don’t realize you’re making one until it’s too late…
“You haven’t changed at all,” Bridget said to me that day.
Those words hit me hard. I left, ready to start a new life for me and my daughter.
Now, years later, I’m working hard. Doesn’t matter how complicated it is or if the guilt gets to me.
I’m alive and he’s not.
But life throws me a curve ball when I’m not expecting it.
Intense grey eyes, killer smile, and the determination to tear my walls down. He knows my weakness, and a man like him is never afraid to use it against me. My four-year-old daughter.
I’m rewriting my story, unprepared for him. And I’m not ready for what destiny has in store for us.
Nicolaus Novak just might become my friend, my lover… the man who helps me to discover I deserve a happy ending… my unexpected savior.
Unexpected Savior is an angsty single parent/redemption romance inspired by British Bedmate.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
This story was a well-written one. I found myself unwilling to put it down, even to sleep!

Susana Mohel is a new-to-me author that impressed me. The way the author crafted those twists and turns in the story, showing connections to times and events that had previously seemed innocuous… I definitely know that she will be on my watch list from now on.

I liked that while Gina knew her mistakes were big, costly ones, she was trying to do her best to ensure that her daughter didn’t have to suffer. I loved how patient and sweet Nico was with her, and I loved the way he took to Olivia.

Nico & Gina’s story is heartwarming, inspiring and just an all-round good read. It is more than a story of atonement and second chances. It is a story of forgiveness, self-acceptance and moving on with your life.

I recommend this story unreservedly & wholeheartedly. These three main characters will have you rooting for them from the get-go.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.


Susana Mohel is a bilingual, international bestseller, and the author of twenty books published in two languages. In 2016, Susana was chosen as an Amazon Indie Contest finalist.
Married to the Grinch, she’s the mother of a beautiful girl and a fur baby. For her, life is about having fun with her family, crafting, and everything pineapple. She’s a consummated goal digger, who writes heart-wrenching second chances and enemies to lovers sprinkled with fun and sexiness.


#Release Blitz: Heartless Havoc by J.L. Leslie ~ #5stars

Title: Heartless Havoc
A Cocky Hero Club Novel
Author: J.L. Leslie
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 21, 2021
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are excited to bring you the Cocky Hero Club: original works from various authors inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling Cocky Bastard series.
I have been called arrogant. Ruthless. Heartless. I don’t consider those characteristics to be insults. If I am arrogant, ruthless, and heartless, then people cower down. I make my own rules and call all the shots. I suppose that’s why people opt to call me by my last name.
It’s very fitting for me. I wreak havoc on anyone who gets in my way. Right now, that person is a beautiful redhead who refuses to play by my rules. Doesn’t she know I’m the only one who’s allowed to break them?
She came out of nowhere. Hit me a like a freight train. Now, she’s the one causing havoc in my life. Destroying everything I have worked for. Taking pieces of me I wasn’t aware I had to give.
They call me arrogant. Ruthless. Heartless. I guess I’ll have to show her exactly how heartless I can be. What kind of havoc I can wreak on her life.
Before she completely ruins me.
*Heartless Havoc is a friends to lovers/forbidden romance inspired by Stuck-Up Suit.
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Trained from an early age to only see the monetary gain in life, Julian Havoc is poised to benefit from a deal that will make him and his father even more richer than they currently are. The catch: he has to marry a woman he completely despises. Yet, after one meeting, he is completely enamoured with Frankie Conn, a woman he would never have met if not for his engagement.

Frankie likes to think that she knows her place. Yet, when Julian Havoc looks at her, she forgets that they come from two different worlds. She’s not had a great run with love or men, so finding a man who seems to be so into her seems like a dream come true. But after she finds out he never truly was hers to begin with, she begins to wonder if she’s destined to be alone.

I despise cheating, but I couldn’t completely hate Havoc. There was something about him that, even when he was being an absolute idiot, I kept hoping he’d get some form of redemption. I loved Frankie. Her character was relatable – the woman who falls in love with a reprobate, yet keeps hoping he’ll turn into an angel one day. I loved that she was strong – she refused to settle for being less than his everything. I couldn’t fault their chemistry – it was plenty hot! I loved Frankie’s sister and family. They were a hilarious bunch, and really helped to make Heartless Havoc a fun read.

I recommend this read as a great addition to the Cocky Hero Club world. It’s definitely 1-click material!

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

I am a happily married mother of three (two boys and one girl). I live in a very small town in Alabama. Never lived anywhere else. I’ve been writing since my early twenties, but I couldn’t seem to finish a book. I’ve started self-publishing with the encouragement from my mom. Without her encouragement, I don’t think I would’ve done it. She always supported me and writing is something I’ve always enjoyed doing. As long as I enjoy it, I’ll continue to do it. I’ve learned already that I can’t please everyone. Not all reviews will be good, not all reviews will be bad. I’m the one that has to be happy with my work.

I get my inspiration from life experiences, movies, television, other authors, and music. Music is definitely a big influence on my writing. I can hear a song and it can inspire an entire book for me. I listen to it while I’m driving or before I start writing and it keeps me inspired. I like to put music in my books, even if it’s just one song the characters listen to or hear at some point. Sometimes music has gotten me through the really tough times in my life and that’s why it inspires me.

I like to write fast-paced, steamy romance reads. I like for my males to be alpha-males and my heroines to be strong, but both need to have one weakness- each other. I am an avid reader. I absolutely love romance books!


#ReleaseBoost: Hot Mess by @faberelise

Movie Star + Single Mom Romance!
Hot Mess by Elise Faber is available now!

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hot mess

1. A disorganized, disaster at life.
2. Someone who excels at disorder and disarray.
3. A person who’s holding it together . . . but just barely.
4. Samantha Torres

Once upon time Samantha had been young and single. But then she’d met Brian and they’d gotten married . . . and now she was single again, only this time she had the best little girl on the planet to show for it.

Which was pretty much the only thing that was going right in her life.

Brian, her lousy cheating ex, was finally out of the picture, and she was left with an expensive house, a car payment she could barely afford, and a job that left her drained at the end of the day.

She was barely hanging on.

Then she met Finn. The number one movie star in the world. The most beautiful man she’d ever laid eyes on. Also, quite possibly the only man whose life might be a bigger hot mess than her own.

And he wanted her . . .

No, this couldn’t go wrong at all.

About the Author:

USA Today bestselling author, Elise Faber, loves chocolate, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and hockey (the order depending on the day and how well her team — the Sharks! — are playing). She and her husband also play as much hockey as they can squeeze into their schedules, so much so that their typical date night is spent on the ice. Elise is the mom to two exuberant boys and lives in Northern California. Connect with her in her Facebook group, the Fabinators or find more information about her books at

Connect with Elise!


Release & Review Blitz: Downfall (Kingdoms of Sin #1) by Willow Aster ~ 5 stars


Downfall by Willow Aster is LIVE!!!

I was naïve to think my marriage to Luka Catano might work.

I was infatuated with him from afar…

Until I met him.

He loved the challenge of his next conquest, anyone would do…

Except me.

A wife was never something he wanted.

Torturous was not a strong enough word to describe how I felt when I was in a room with Luka. Besides hating nearly every word that came out of his mouth, I also drowned with lust every time I looked at him.

At times I thought he might feel the same.

But nothing prepared me for what his family would make me become.


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Whatever you think you expect to find in this book, forget it and prepare to be wowed by masterful storytelling! Sex, secrets & scandal – it’s all here!

Excited and prepared to do her duty and marry for the good of her country, Eden Safrin is shocked to find out that her husband-to-be is not the man her fantasies created. He is careless, unkind and cold, except for the flashes of heat she glimpses in his eyes from time to time whenever he looks at her. Yet, even with his hot-and-cold behaviour, she can’t seem to stay away from him.

Sometimes, we love, but it’s to our detriment.”

Just when things start looking better, Luka & Eden realise that there are more machinations at work behind their relationship than they ever could have imagined. So many people want them together, but at what price?

I felt Eden’s initial hope and later, frustration and pain when she realised that life wasn’t working out quite the way she planned. True love forgives a multitude of wrongs, though, and she finds that out soon enough.

Love breaks you apart and puts you back together.”

Eden does things that I probably would never do, but I rather enjoyed this first installment of the Kingdoms of Sin series, and as a first-time reader of Willow Aster, I must say I am impressed and definitely looking forward to more.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

“You’ve outdone yourself,” he says. “Which Eden do I have tonight? Will you bite or will you purr?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

He holds his hands out. “What do you think? Am I suitable to be by your side?”

“You clean up okay.”

He smirks and steps closer to me, pulling me flush against him. “Keep playing the cool act. I know it shouldn’t, but it gets me so hard.” He presses into me to prove his point.

“Have you been drinking already?” I frown.

“This is me stone-cold sober.”

“So there’s nothing to excuse your behavior.”

His hands go lower and when he still feels my skin, he frowns. His hands go lower still until they find material, which happens to be hugging my backside. He thrusts into me again and leans his forehead against mine.

“You don’t want to excuse my behavior. You like me best this way. Hot and salivating over you. Admit it.”

I shake my head. “You need to take a step back.”

He exhales a shuddering breath and drops his hands, stepping back. “We’re going to be late. Let’s go.”

I shiver from the loss of his hands and the chill in his voice. I can’t win with him.

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Willow Aster is a USA Today Bestselling author and host of Living in the Pages podcast. She lives in St. Paul, MN with her husband, kids, and rescue dog.


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@GiveMeBooksBlog Release Blitz: It Ended With the Truth (Truth & Lies Duet #2) by Lisa Suzanne (@LisaSuzanne24) ~ 5 stars

Title: It Ended with the Truth
Series: Truth and Lies Duet #2
Author: Lisa Suzanne
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 11, 2018


Bestselling author Lisa Suzanne’s newest duet features a fake relationship and enemies that might just become lovers.
Telling the truth cost me everything.

My company. My friends. The girl I love.

I’m forced to start over, and it’s my brother who steps in once again. Working for his record label isn’t how I imagined my life when I owned my own company, and life on the road only makes me long for everything the truth cost me.

Is there a way to reclaim what was lost to the truth?

It Ended with the Truth is the second book in the Truth and Lies duet.


Purchase Links

Free in Kindle Unlimited
The minute this book hit my kindle app, I got super excited. I was on holiday, but I just couldn’t resist, so the very next next day, I jumped right in.

The Brian Fox we met at the beginning of this duet no longer exists. In his place is a humble, broken and lost man. He’s lost everything though he unravelled the lie he started.
Lisa Suzanne takes you through the low, dark places of despair and anguish as Brian comes to terms with the fact that his careless actions have devastating consequences. She also guides us through the highs as Brian revamps his life into one he could be proud of.
I was proud of Brian as he struggled with and won over his demons. While the romance with Vivian was a large part of this book (and I enjoyed all the twists and turns), I found the way that Brian reengineered his life for the better to be the biggest draw of the story for me.
I really enjoyed this duet, and wholeheartedly recommend it.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book.

Also Available
#1 It Started with a Lie


Free in Kindle Unlimited


Lisa Suzanne is a romance author who resides in Arizona with her husband and baby boy. She’s a former high school English teacher and college composition instructor. When she’s not cuddling baby Mason, she can be found working on her latest book or watching reruns of Friends.


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@IndieSagePR Blog Tour|ARC|Giveaway: Some Nights by J.L. Lora (@jtothelove) ~ 5 stars


by J.L. Lora
Publication Date: September 25, 2018
Genres: Adult, Erotic, Contemporary, Standalone, Romance



Saona is truthful but she’s been lied to.

Saona plays by the rules but she’s been cheated on.

Saona puts others first but she’s been used.

It all stops the day she finds out. It all stops when she sheds the good girl vibe that’s been dragging her down like a stone. It all stops when she takes a shot of what she’s been missing, at the hands of a hot bartender named Jax.

Saona’s ready to step out on the ledge and breathe the wild air.



Saona is a good woman whose husband has treated her badly. When she goes to her hotel bar to help recover from his latest mistreatment, she meets Jax. Emboldened by the sexual chemistry rampant between them, Saona makes Jax a proposition, which leads her down a path she didn’t know she needed. As Jax struggles to be the man he believes Saona needs, doubts plague their relationship. Is their new relationship strong enough? Or will it be reduced to some nights?

J. L. Lora has fully converted me into a fan. She writes stories of strong women that, even when they get dealt sh!tty hands in life, they struggle through pain and tears to get out on top. Her characters are not perfect, nor do they always do what is considered to be morally or politically correct, but their humanity is what makes you fall in love with them. Saona & Jax are another pair of great characters from J.L. Lora’s pen that I invite you to meet and fall in love with over a few drinks 😉

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book.


J. L. Lora is a Dominican-American author. Her stories explore the dark side of good characters, people living in the gray areas of life while playing the cards life has dealt them. She loves strong heroines and their equally powerful Men. She currently lives in Maryland, pursuing her dream of writing compelling, sexy, can’t-put-down stories about empowered, badass alpha heroines and take-your-breath-away alpha heroes

If you wish to know more information about J. L. Lora, you can visit her website:

You can also sign up for J. L. Lora’s newsletter for news, releases, events, more information, and extras related to Boss, Made, and The Trinity Series. Visit to sign up and never miss a thing!

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Audio Tour: Barnes Family Series by Normandie Alleman


by Normandie Alleman
Barnes Family, #1
Publication Date: January 20, 2017
Genres: Audio, Sports, Contemporary, Romance, Standalone


Amazon Audible:


He may be a player, but this stud’s not shooting blanks.


I’m nobody’s baby daddy. I don’t care how many stunning women throw themselves at me, looking to turn one hot night into an 18-year paycheck. I’ve got way too much on the line to throw it away for one night of pleasure.

Ball is life, and basketball is my first priority. I’ve got a championship to win.

But when I see that familiar face shaking her pom-poms on the sidelines, I’m transported back to childhood, back to the days before a fiery plane crash ripped us apart, forcing us to grow up overnight.

Those were the days when Eden Evans stole my heart. This time, I might be ready to give it right back to her.


I have no interest in a man who comes with groupies. With a rock legend for a father, I’ve seen the toll fame takes on a marriage. The last thing I need is a guy with more Twitter followers than Justin Bieber.

So when Nick Barnes dribbles his way back into my life, my heart and head go into battle. I can’t fight my desire for the sexy baller with his eight-pack abs and panty-dropping charm.

And when that little stick shows an unmistakable plus sign, suddenly everything is on the line.

With a secret baby on the way, will Nick realize that having the home court advantage is what he’s wanted all along?

This is a standalone romance novel with a HEA and no cliffhangers. Light on basketball and heavy on steamy romance, this is the first book featuring members of the Barnes family.



Having never read anything by Normandie Alleman, I welcomed the chance to experience both the narrated story and her writing style simultaneously. I enjoyed listening to Aiden Snow & Alicyn Aimes as they read me this steamy second chance romance.

The dry humour & family drama made it a very intriguing and entertaining listen. I was rooting for Nick & Eden from the start, as I loved the way that their childhood friendship, though interrupted, matured into a romantic relationship. I had a bit of an issue liking Eden as the book went on, as I found some of her choices to be very selfish. I knew that her trust issues were a big reason for those choices, so I tried to cut her some slack. From the very beginning, you could tell Nick was a good guy. He was already the man Eden needed; she just needed to trust him.

I really enjoyed the Kardashian family twist that the author put on this series, and already look forward to more of their exploits.

I received a complimentary audible copy of this book.




MACHINE, A Bad Boy Military Romance

by Normandie Alleman
Barnes Family, #2
Publication Date: May 10, 20178
Genres: Audio, Military, Contemporary, Romance, Standalone


Amazon Audible:


America’s sweetheart needs to straighten up her halo.

But this solider’s machine just might knock it off completely.

Reality TV star Dynassy Barnes has to get her act together. Fame, fortune, a perfectly heart-shaped ass – along with her million social media followers – aren’t getting the job done. She needs a full demolition of her Online presence – and fast. When she meets the handsome and rugged former Navy Seal Bridger Thompson, Dynassy knows he’s the perfect trophy to flaunt to her friends and family.

Injured in combat, Bridger has had his share of setbacks and letdowns. He can’t quite believe his luck when the sassy and sexy Dynassy wiggles her way into his life. Their chemistry is undeniable. But Bridger has a powerful secret that threatens to ruin everything. Will exposing the truth about his secret life destroy the future they hope to build together?




by Normandie Alleman
Barnes Family, #3
Publication Date: May 21, 20178
Genres: Audio, Contemporary, Romance, Standalone


Amazon Audible:


While his sins may be his undoing, her love could prove to be the salvation he desperately needs.

The Priest

Bishop Eduardo Soto has devoted his life to the church to pay for mistakes he made long ago. He didn’t expect a second chance in life, but once he meets Chloe, saving her is all he cares about.

The Dancer

Chloe Thomas dreams of leaving the Bourbon Street stage and owning a respectable business. She’ll do anything to make it happen, including agreeing to a marriage of convenience.

But when she’s offered the opportunity of a lifetime, will she leave her new husband behind after all he’s given up for her?

While Bishop’s Desire is part of the Barnes Family Series, it is a stand-alone novel that can be enjoyed without listening to the other audiobooks.




USA Today bestselling author Normandie Alleman is a former psychologist who has always been fascinated by human behavior. She loves writing quirky characters that are all too human. “I’m interested in the kind of relationships people have in real life. So I write about my characters’ messy, unpredictable, and inexplicable journeys to love.”

Normandie is a shameless basketball mom who lives with a houseful of teenagers, her own personal hero, and a pet pig who’s crazy for Red Bull. When she’s not writing or cheering for her favorite team, Normandie can be found listening to an audiobook or a podcast.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Goodreads | Newsletter | Bookbub | Amazon Author Profile


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Release Blitz & Giveaway: Sordid by Ava Harrison ~ 4 stars

Title: Sordid
Author: Ava Harrison
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: February 16, 2018 

It was his lips.
The way his stare sent shivers down my spine.
The way his rough voice whispered my name.

So I caved.
I did what I knew I shouldn’t.

But as quickly as he’s there, he’s gone.
Leaving me confused. 
I hope I’ll never see him again…

Then I do. 

He’s my new boss. 
And he has secrets.

*Sordid is a COMPLETE standalone novel.
Review Graphic

Sordid is a tale of underhand machinations, family feuds, blackmail, hidden scandals & secrets. I loved it!

Grant Lancaster is a shell of his former self. Unhappy and alone, he’s already resigned himself to drudgery. He runs into Bridget one night, and his world sees some light. Bridget & Grant share an awkward intimate moment, unaware of how closely their worlds are connected. When they do collide, Bridget learns some of his secrets that make her want to run for the hills. However, she is determined to stand on her own two feet, so she stays on as Grant’s employee. I liked that though Bridget initially seems to accept certain things, she is far from a naive, helpless young lady. She is no doormat, and Grant eventually understands and respects this.

The push-and-pull of their chemistry, the angst of the family feuds & the frustrations of the behind-the-scenes secrets create an enticing, dramatic story that keep you riveted, and eager to know more. You’ll definitely enjoy your time spent with this couple.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Ava Harrison is a USA Today and Amazon bestselling author. 

When she’s not journaling her life, you can find her window shopping, cooking dinner for her family, or curled up on her couch reading a book. 



Sale Blitz – Trashy Foreplay (Trashy Affair #1) by Gemma James


Title: Trashy Foreplay
Series: Trashy Affair #1
Author: Gemma James
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 3, 2017
He’s flying home to confront his cheating wife. She’s running from her life in shame. Neither expected to fall in love 35,000 feet in the air.
With my heart and reputation in ruins, I can’t afford to make another mistake. Boarding a flight to Seattle is supposed to give me a clean slate, but from the moment Cash Montgomery slides into the seat next to mine, I’m captivated by his steel eyes that see too much. I ache for this stranger in a way I’ve never ached for anyone.
But I didn’t know he was married, and I sure as hell didn’t see the curveball fate had in store. My clean slate in Seattle isn’t so clean after all because my new boss is the man forbidden to me.
And the only man I want.
The only man I’ll do anything for, even if it means breaking the promise I made to myself when I fled my old life in shame.
I wasn’t supposed to fall for a married man, but I did.
NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Trashy Foreplay is a steamy romance suitable for mature audiences only. Though the subject matter deals with adultery, there are no innocent parties here. Book 1 in the Trashy Affair series.
Purchase Links

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Author Bio
Gemma James is a USA Today and Amazon bestselling author of a blend of genres, from new adult suspense to dark erotic romance. She loves to explore the darker side of human nature in her fiction, and she’s morbidly curious about anything dark and edgy, from deviant sex to serial killers. Readers have described her stories as being “not for the faint of heart.”
She warns you to heed their words! Her playground isn’t full of rainbows and kittens, though she likes both. She lives in Oregon with her husband and their four children–three rambunctious UFC/wrestling-loving boys and one girl who steals everyone’s attention.
Author Links