Release Tour: Hard Count by S.R. Grey ~ 3 stars

Title: Hard Count
Series: A Men of Fall Novel
Author: S.R. Grey
Genre: Sports Romance/Romantic Comedy
Release Date: May 24, 2022
Pro footballer Mike Vinceton desperately wants to get away before the Comets’ new season begins.
Lucky for him the tropical destination he chooses turns out to be perfect.
Not only does he find himself rested and refreshed, but he just met the most tantalizing woman. Her name is Lexi, and their connection is insane.
Too bad their time is cut short—before Mike can learn her last name . . . or where she lives.
Alas, such is life.
Resigned that he’ll never see Lexi again, Mike returns to Ohio to head off to training camp. But what he doesn’t know is he’s about to run into her again, in a most unexpected place.
See, Lexi is the Comets’ owner’s daughter. And though her dad would love for her to take more of an interest in the team, that definitely doesn’t include her dating a player.
Hell no!
Cue the sneaking around . . . and Mike and Lexi praying her dad doesn’t find out.
Hard Count is the fifth novel in the bestselling Men of Fall football romance series and can be read as a standalone.
Goodreads Review – “I was riveted from the first to the last chapter….”
Goodreads Review – “It was a true love story.”
Thelma and Louise Book Blog – “This is a captivating read with wonderful characters and it will appeal to a wide range of audiences.”
Review Graphic
Mike & Lexi meet, and awed by their connection spend a few hours together, never expecting to see each other again… Until Lexi & Mike realise that their worlds collide in the best way possible. But their reconnection isn’t without its obstacles.

While it had a decent plot, I found the book a bit rushed, especially near the end. Fans of insta-love, low-drama romances will totally enjoy this.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.


S.R. Grey is a USA Today Bestselling Author of the popular Boys of Winter hockey books and Men of Fall football novels. Both series can be read in any order or as standalones. Other New Adult and Romantic Suspense works of hers include the Judge Me Not books, the Promises series, the Inevitability duology, A Harbour Falls Mystery trilogy, and the Laid Bare series of novellas.
When not writing Ms. Grey can be found reading, traveling, running, and cheering for her hometown sports teams. Sometimes all at the same time!










Release Blitz: Adoring Alejandro by Eve Black ~ 4 stars

Title: Adoring Alejandro
Series: Falling Down #3
Author: Eve Black
Genre: Unrequited Love/Curvy Girl Romance
Release Date: May 19, 2022
Maeve Thomas has always been the one in the background; easily ignored, easily overlooked, easily forgotten. And she hasn’t minded, really. It helps keep the attention off her not-so-attractive attributes. She’s happy hiding…until she comes face to face with a man who makes her wish to finally be seen.
Alejandro Mendez, the sexy co-owner of the company where she works, is looking to kick his playboy ways and finally settle down, but he’s looking everywhere but right in front of him. How do you make the man of your dreams take notice when everything about you is forgettable?
When a clandestine encounter heats things up between them, Maeve is hopeful AJ will see they are perfect together, that his heart should belong to her.
Too bad he gives it to someone else.
Adoring Alejandro is a sexy unrequited love, workplace, BBW romance, and the third book in the steamy, emotional Falling Down series. No cliffhangers, no cheating, and a deliciously gratifying HEA.
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Alejandro is in a relationship with a faceless woman. She stirs his heart and mind in immeasurable ways, but she is hesitant to meet face-to-face. Inexplicably, he has just begun to take notice of his shy, usually withdrawn but competent office manager, Maeve, seeing her with new eyes. How can two women affect him so strongly?

This book’s premise intrigued me and held me captive from the start. I also loved the way the author represented & celebrated Maeve’s curviness. However, I was a bit disappointed with the way the plot flowed in some parts. For instance, in one part of the book, I got a heavy dose of steam when I was expecting a little more warmth and intimacy.

Overall, it’s a book I did enjoy for the most part. I definitely would love to read the preceding books, too.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Free in Kindle Unlimited
Free in Kindle Unlimited
Eve Black is the sexy contemporary romance-loving alter-ego of a sweet historical romance author…who also writes dark, sexy medieval romance under another name. Eve is one of several personalities in one crazy package. When Eve isn’t writing books, she is editing other people’s books, freelance writing marketing content, or wrangling her children. For fun, Eve loves to read (obviously) sexy contemporary and historical romance books, binge-watch old Supernatural, Burn Notice, Leverage, and Lucifer episodes on Netflix, and play mind-numbing games on her tablet.
Eve lives in an untidy house on a little over an acre in rural Northeast Pennsylvania with her husband of 17 years and their four children, two cats, and one chicken.

Release Blitz: Love You Like That by Scarlett Cole ~ 4 stars

 Release Date: May 17

Zoe Atkins wanted exactly one thing. To be the world’s greatest percussionist. Instead, she’s on a tour bus engaged in a stupid bet with rock star, Alex King, trying to fill the hole left behind when her dream gave up on her.
The prickly former percussionist wasn’t supposed to steal his heart. With her distrust of lipstick and love of men’s pyjamas, she was everything playboy, Alex, didn’t want in a lover. At least, that’s what he thought when he bet her he could find her a hook up during their tour. Until he’s forced to watch the woman he’s come to desire leave the bar with her perfect guy, taking a piece of his already bruised and battered heart with her.
Now it’s up to the Sad Fridays’ rocker to use his passionate powers of persuasion to convince Zoe he’s more than her wingman. He’s her everything.

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Alex King has everything professionally made – he’s finally playing in sold out venues around London in a band made up of his best friends and family. But he’s lonely; he wants someone to love, but someone who will also understand and love him for who he is – a pansexual. He proposes a bet to Zoe to get her a little out of her shell, but Alex soon realises he wants her for himself.

Zoe is deaf, and has been struggling with the loss of her hearing and what it could mean for her career in music. She’s also fighting against the well-intentioned but suffocating attempts of her loved ones to get her to go back to playing percussion again. A bet with Alex King takes on dimensions she never imagined, as she falls for the man and the rock star. For the first time since her diagnosis, she has someone who sees her, and gives her the space to decide what she’s doing with the rest of her life, while cheering her on.

This book has a high level of emotional depth and feeling that’s packed into it. The dialogue is as real and honest as it could possibly get, in a way that makes you feel as though you’re right there in the room. You can’t help but get swept up in the way that Zoe & Alex get together, especially the way they put each other first.

It was a bit difficult keeping all the names and couples straight, seeing as I haven’t read any of the previous books in the series. However, this book is a very good read. I also loved that it had no over-the-top, unnecessary drama. It was just two people working out their lives together.

I recommend this book.

Meet Scarlett Cole

The tattoo across my right hip says it all really. A Life Less Ordinary. Inked by the amazingly talented Luke Wessman at the Wooster Street Social Club (a.k.a. New York Ink). Why is it important? Well, it sums up my view on life. That we should all aspire to live a life that is less boring, less predictable. Be bold, and do something amazing. I’ve made some crazy choices. I’ve been a car maker, a consultant, and even a senior executive at a large retailer running strategy. 

Born in England, spent time in the U.S. and Japan, before ending up in Canada where I met my own, personal hero – all six and a half feet of him. Both of us are scorpios! Yeah, I know! Should have checked the astrological signs earlier, but somehow it works for us. We have two amazing kids, who I either could never part with or could easily be convinced to sell on e-bay.


I’ve wanted to be a writer for a really long time. Check through my office cupboards or my computer and you’ll find half written stories and character descriptions everywhere. Now I’m getting the chance to follow that dream.


I am represented by Beth Phelan at The Bent Agency, NY.


Connect with Scarlett Cole

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Release Blitz: Killer Moves by Tawna Fenske ~ 5 stars

He’s a hacker. A high-tech hitman. And now…a daddy?

When Matteo skips prison with a clean record, his conscience is anything but. Guilt hits him like a sack of marbles when he spots the woman he jilted. The clincher? A child who looks like him.

Renee’s son may have Matteo’s eyes, but she won’t say who fathered AJ. She’s also mum on what sent her into hiding or why guys with guns are after her. But when Matteo blocks an attack, he persuades Renee to appoint him their protector.

Keeping them safe means faking they’re a normal family road tripping with s’mores and snuggles and possibly a sniper rifle. Toss in a potty-training toddler and temptation from the woman he still craves, and it’s officially Matteo’s toughest mission.

But with danger nipping their heels, the only way to save his family may be to leave their lives for good.


I enjoyed this book, and am more eager for the next in the series.

Matteo has just been released from jail after being framed by a dirty police officer. Though he’s been accustomed to hunting bad guys and doing not-so-nice things in the name of justice, he’s now at a crossroads in his life where he must decide what he should do next with his life. But when he meets up with his sisters, he’s surprised to find the one woman he never forgot – and her son who resembles him. Matteo soon finds himself protecting his new family and falling in love again.

I just loved this romance. In-between all the action, Matteo, AJ & Renee’s insta-family unit had me swooning. Matteo knew he had done Renee wrong and made sure she knew how sorry he was. I liked that Renee was strong, but knew when to ask for help.

Though this can absolutely be read as a standalone, I recommend that the series be read in order, so you get a good idea of the sequence of events, as well as the recurring characters.

I recommend Killer Moves unreservedly.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

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Release Blitz: Stone Cold by Winter Renshaw ~ 5 stars



From #1 Amazon and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Winter Renshaw comes a scorching hot forbidden romance …
The most humiliating moment of my life begins with an early morning message from my ex’s notoriously heartless best friend.
In no way does this mean my opinion of you has changed.
I’m reaching out because sometime in the middle of last night you tagged yourself in Jude and Stassi’s engagement photo.
I don’t care if you were drunk or it was unintentional. I suggest you remove it immediately since the wedding is in two months (which I’m sure you know since you were clearly FB stalking them). The damage is done, but no reason to make things more awkward.
You’re welcome.
I waste no time removing my accidental tag before the sharp-tongued novelist in me fires off a response to the man who harbored extreme and inexplicable hatred of me during the three years I dated his best friend in college.
Only I didn’t expect him to respond.
And nothing could have prepared me for what he would say …
… or for all the ways this gorgeous villain with cruel icy blues would become the biggest plot twist my life had ever known.


The Hannaford Supermarket is packed on this Friday afternoon. I imagine we’re all doing the same thing; ditching work a couple of hours early, grabbing some dinner items, and heading home to kick off our weekend. I wonder if this is what Paul meant when he told me there’s no such thing as a unique experience.

I tuck a six pack of Heineken beneath my arm and head for the meat counter to grab a porterhouse and half a pound of stuffed mushrooms.

“I mean, what would you feed a dog if you had one?” A pony-tailed blonde in neon blue yoga pants asks a pimple-faced butcher.

“I don’t have a dog, ma’am,” he says, his Adam’s apple bobbing.

“But if you did though,” she says.

“I’d probably feed him kibble, ma’am.” His eyes shift toward the long line forming behind her.

“I guess I’ll just take two sirloins,” she says. “The eight ounce, not the five.”

The young man wraps the steak in brown paper for her before sealing it with a sticker.

“Anything else?” he asks.

“That’ll be all, thank you,” she says before taking the package, turning on her heel—and walking right into me. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there.”

In her defense, I was probably standing a little too closer, but the little old lady behind me kept inching closer to me, which made me inch closer to her and it became a big circle jerk of inching.

“Jesus,” I mutter under my breath when our eyes catch.

I’d know those Pacific ocean blues anywhere, the ones so effervescent they almost make me forget it’s been about a week and a half since I ignored her last message.

“Jovie,” I say.

“Stone?” She squints, as if she doesn’t believe her eyes. Then again, I imagine I look slightly different than I did five years ago. Shorter hair. More muscles. Dressier clothes. Bigger big dick energy …

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

The little old lady behind me clears her throat, and I motion for her to go around me.

“I’m watching my neighbor’s dog and he’s refusing to eat. I think he’s depressed. I thought maybe if I got him a steak …” she shrugs. “What are you doing here? I thought you were in Baltimore?”

She remembered …

Our senior year in college, I was accepted into the University of Maryland School of Law that upcoming fall.

“Yeah,” I say. “I was offered a position up here from one of my law professors who was opening a practice here.”

Her lips inch into a wistful yet friendly smile. I’m sure it’s strange seeing me here—of all people. Or maybe she’s looking at me but thinking about Jude. It’s hard to tell. I imagine seeing me all these years later rustles up some old memories she wasn’t prepared to think about at the grocery store on a Friday afternoon.

The last time I hung out with Jovie was before the ill-fated Tulum trip. We were sitting around eating burnt frozen pizza from the campus convenience mart and downing cheap beer. And if that weren’t enough, Jovie forced us to play some God-awful card game where we had to shout certain phrases and clap and make fools of ourselves, but by the end of the night I was drunk enough to actually enjoy it.

The last thing I remember before passing out on the living room couch that evening was Jovie covering me with a blanket before adjusting my pillow so I wouldn’t have a kink in my neck.

I mumbled something to her about not being half bad.

She replied with a coy, “Yeah, I know.”

Everything turned black after that.

Who’d have ever thought that would’ve been the last time we’d hang out, the three of us?

Certainly not me.

I doubt Jude did either.

“You know, I’m still waiting for you to reply to that last message,” she winks and crinkles her nose. “You left me on a cliffhanger.”

“I didn’t feel like answering it.” And it’s the truth.

“That’s your prerogative, I guess.”

I’ll admit, I debated sending her another clever deflection last week, but then I got busy with work and decided it was best just to leave it alone. Besides, some things are better left unsaid.

“You know Jude lives here too,” I say, leaving out any mention of Stassi because it goes without saying.

She lifts her brows. “Okay …”

“You haven’t run into him yet?” I swear he’s never home. Stassi’s always got him running to this festival or that concert or this new restaurant.

She shakes her head, her ponytail flicking over her shoulders.

“I’ve only been here about a year,” she says. “I moved here with my ex … and I guess I haven’t gotten around to leaving yet.”

My chest tightens at the idea of Jovie being with someone new, some faceless pencil dick who probably doesn’t deserve her. From the second time we met, I knew she could never be mine. But even after Jude left her, I never once stopped to picture her with someone new. No need to torture myself.

We linger in silence for a beat, as if neither of us wants to go, yet there’s nothing more to be said.

Her full mouth curls at the sides, flanked by two perfect dimples as she stares up at me through a fringe of curled lashes. I’ve known far too many people who let themselves go after college. The stress of a corporate gig, a robust travel schedule, and a social life that revolves around drinking on the weekends tends to do that to a person. But Jovie looks even more beautiful than she did the night I first saw her.

There’s a calmness about her, as if these last several years in the real world have given her the kind of education she couldn’t get from a four-year institution.

Jovie waves her package of steaks. “I should probably get home and feed Domino.”

“Right.” I rake my hand along my jaw, taking her in for what very well might be the last time.

“It was nice seeing you though.”

Most of the time, when people say that, they never mean it.

“You too,” I say.

She walks away, turning back once more. “You should really think about answering my question …”

“Not a chance.”

She laughs before spinning on her heel and heading to the front of the store to check out.

A moment later, I realize I’m standing there wearing a dopey grin. I’m sure I look like a damn lunatic.

I wipe the expression off my face, get back in line, and order my filet mignon.

Years ago, I used to wonder what would be worse: Jude and Jovie getting married and me having to spend the rest of my life watching my best friend live happily ever after with her? Or Jude sending Jovie packing and me never having to see her again.

It never occurred to me that there could ever be anything in between.

Now I know.

Only I don’t know how I feel about it.

None of these scenarios end with me getting the girl.


This book pulled me in and wrapped me up in it pages.

This forbidden, ex’s best friend romance will surprise you with not only its plot, but its sweetness. The flashbacks, the tension and conclusion make for amazing reading.

You will alternately groan at the what-could-have-beens and cheer while Stone & Jovie navigate the newness of their relationship. I definitely recommend this read!

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Wall Street Journal and #1 Amazon bestselling author Winter Renshaw is a bona fide daydream believer. She lives somewhere in the middle of the USA and can rarely be seen without her trusty Mead notebook and ultra portable laptop. When she’s not writing, she’s living the American dream with her husband, three kids, and the laziest puggle this side of the Mississippi.
And if you’d like to be the first to know when a new book is coming out, please sign up for her private mailing list here —>



Release Blitz: Kiss and Fake Up by Carrie Aarons ~ 4 stars

Kiss and Fake Up by Carrie Aarons is live!

This summer was supposed to be an escape from the city and the demons lurking within it. Too bad the minute I arrive at the beach house I’m sharing with friends, the guy I swore I’d never talk to again in my life walks through the door.

Now I’m not only stuck hiding out from an ex who won’t leave me alone, but with someone who screwed me over before he could even be considered an ex.

That’s right, two years ago Campbell Whitlock double booked me on our fourth date. As in, had a girl show up to the table where he was feeding me off his own fork and barely disguising it as foreplay. Meanwhile, my head and heart had been completely on board to make our relationship more serious.

But a leggy blonde foiled that plan, and I’ve hated him on sight since. The ex-Marine turned millionaire restauranteur didn’t even have the decency to follow me with an apology as I ran out of his own establishment.

It’s just my luck that I’m forced to room right next door to my nemesis, who couldn’t be acting more like a saint if he tried. And then the impossible happens; my ex hunts me down to deliver loaded threats and the fear I thought I’d left behind in Manhattan. Who is the only person to witness it? Campbell, of course.

His apology tour apparently extends to offering himself up as my fake boyfriend to scare off my stalker. While the plan is moronic and means having to spend more time with him, the danger I feel is real. Having a hulking, intimidating boyfriend, fake or not, might be exactly what I need.

With every passing day, pretend date, emotional gaze and midnight run-in, our relationship starts to feel less like a deal and more like something very similar to the connection I thought we had years ago. Even though I promised myself I’d never give him a second chance.

But what happens when the person protecting me starts to feel like the one I want to trust forever?
And how will I recover if his favor was done only to gain forgiveness, instead of a chance at falling in love?

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Campbell Whitlock has spent every day of the past two years kicking himself for letting Heather walk out of his restaurant. When he finds out they’ll be spending the summer together, he’s determined to get her to forgive him, and see him in a different light. But when his attempt at faking a relationship to keep her safe changes to very real feelings, he’s even more resolved to show her that he’s the man she’s been waiting for.

On top of her most recent relationship troubles, Heather has just found out that the man she almost completely fell for two years ago will be spending the summer in the Hamptons along with their mutual friends. Pissed, afraid and confused, she tries to ice him out. But when Campbell begins to care for her and steps up for her, she begins to feel all the old feelings coming back.

I liked this romance. The suspense aspects were a bit scary (even though it was pretty light), but the overall vibe of the book was still laid-back and fun enough for me to enjoy.

Meet Carrie Aarons

Author of romance novels such as Fool Me Twice and Love at First Fight, Carrie Aarons writes books that are just as swoon-worthy as they are sarcastic. A former journalist, she prefers the love stories of her imagination, and the athleisure dress code, much better.

When she isn’t writing, Carrie is busy binging reality TV, having a love/hate relationship with cardio, and trying not to burn dinner. She lives in the suburbs of New Jersey with her husband, two children and ninety-pound rescue pup.

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Release Blitz: A Rival’s Kiss by Maya Hughes ~ 5 stars

A Rival’s Kiss by Maya Hughes is now live!


Walking away would be the smartest decision, but no one’s ever accused me of being smart. Cold, determined, brutal, but never smart. 

Willa’s mine from the moment I rescue her. I protect her from a brawling crowd and she stares up at me like I’m her prince charming. No one’s ever looked at me like that. No one has ever dared to come that close. 

I didn’t know she was the little sister of one of my biggest rivals. Her brother and I have both drawn blood on the field, dislocated joints, broken bones, but I’ll never want to show her that side of me. 

I long to be the man she believes I am, but there’s only one way I know how to win—how to survive—and that’s ensuring my enemies lose. 

Once he finds out who his sister has been dating it’ll be all-out war, and I might lose the only woman who’s ever looked at me like I’m not built only for destruction. 

Changing my ways won’t be easy, but I’m willing to risk it all for her.

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!



This is a moving, heartfelt story.

Ezra has worked hard to get where he is. He’s faced a lot of obstacles, but his end goal is to play professional football. And he’s so close; he just has to focus. But when he saves a girl from a nasty fall, he finds himself falling into a different kind of trouble: love. Willa feels suffocated under her family’s protectiveness. But with Ezra, she feels a freedom she’s only dreamed of having. If only Ezra could see himself the way she sees him.

Ezra is the kind of tortured hero that you can’t help but love. I fell for him almost immediately. My heart broke many times for him, but Maya Hughes did a great job putting it back together for me. Willa was perfect for Ezra. I couldn’t have dreamed up a better partner for him. Even with her own insecurities, she was able to light up his life. I really enjoyed their story. Their connection was simply electric.

I recommend this read wholeheartedly and unreservedly.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

Meet Maya Hughes

Maya Hughes, that’s me!, can often be found sneaking in another chapter while hiding in the bathroom from her kids! 🙂 I’m a romance writer who loves taking inspiration from everyday life, namely my husband and biggest fan. Inspiration also strikes when I hear a song, meet someone new or daydream while at soccer practice.

I love writing stories that capture the possibilities of the paths less travelled and enjoy experiencing life through my characters’ eyes.

I’m the mom of three little ones, the wife to an amazing husband and also work full time. Some of my favorite things are cupcakes, cinnamon rolls, white wine, laughing until I can’t breathe, traveling with my family and Jeff Goldblum.

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Blog Tour: A Little Bit Dirty by Willow Winters ~ #4stars

A LITTLE BIT DIRTY by Willow Winters

Release Date: April 28th

Genre/Tropes: Second Chance Romance/Small Town Romance/Blue Collar


Grab your copy for the special release price of $2.99 this week only!

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From USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling romance author, Willow Winters, comes a second chance with a filthy mouthed, possessive hero, not willing to lose the love of his life again.

I’ve got a thing for men who work with their hands.

I thought I learned my lesson years ago. But here I am, back in the small town I grew up in, staring down the man who broke my heart years ago.

I intended to tell him off.

My plan was to flip him the bird and prove to both of us that he hadn’t ruined me.

I sure as hell wasn’t going to sleep with him.

Until he tells me he’s sorry.

Until he gives me that smoldering look I still dream about.

Until he whispers just beneath the shell of my ear… His breath trails down my neck and he leaves an opened mouth kiss right there, in that sensitive spot.

“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”

My treacherous heart wants more. More of him. More of us. But there’s a reason it didn’t work before and when you don’t learn from your past mistakes, you’re bound to repeat them.


Brianna is back home from college, and is trying to avoid – though she knows it is impossible – her ex-boyfriend, Asher. The two broke up while she was away at college, but Brianna is not over their breakup or Asher.

Asher’s life has been far from a picnic for the past two years, but the one thing he knows was a mistake is breaking up with Bri. However, he’s not sure it’s fair to put his burdens on her, or if she’ll love him again, baggage and all.

This fast-paced second chance romance was short, but sweet and steamy, with lots of small town familiarity. At the end, you find yourself wishing for some more. I totally recommend it.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

About the Author:

Willow Winters is so happy to be a USA Today, Wall Street Journal and #1 Contemporary Best Selling Author!

Willow started writing after having her little girl, Evie, December 2015. All during her pregnancy with Evie she continued to read and she only wanted to read romance. She was reading a book a day — sometimes two.

In January 2016 Willow was staying up late with Evie and just thinking of all these stories. They came to her constantly so she finally sat down and just started writing. She always wanted to do it so she figured, why not? Today Willow cannot be happier for making that decision!

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Release Blitz: Matchmaking A Billionaire by Angela Denise

He’s everyone’s dream man but hers.
Matchmaking a Billionaire, a sexy, opposites attract romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Denise Grover Swank and USA Today bestselling author Angela Casella, writing as Angela Denise, is now available!


I used to believe in what we do at Mayberry Matchmakers, but now? Love is just another four-letter word.

Too bad my grandmother hasn’t gotten the memo. When tech billionaire Rory Byrne approaches us, wanting to develop the matchmaking app my sister and I dreamed up (and Nana shot down), she jumps at the chance. My grandmother is nothing if not opportunistic.

Of course, there’s a catch. She’ll only do it if Rory lets us matchmake him the old-fashioned way.

He’s going to say no.

Please God, let him say no.

The last thing I want to do is matchmake an entitled rich jerk…especially one who looks like sin and talks a good game.



I’ve screwed up in love a few times, but I never screw up in business. Mayberry Matchmakers has the idea for something amazing, and I have the money and the experience to make it come to life.

I should deny Nana Mayberry’s condition. If I let them matchmake me, it’ll be all over the news, and making headlines has never interested me…especially not after the personal betrayal that nearly broke me. But I’m having trouble caring about what I should do, because Bryn Mayberry is smart, snarky, and not the slightest bit impressed with me.

Actually, this may be Mayberry Matchmakers’ easiest job yet.

Fall in love today!
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Available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited April 28th
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About Denise Grover Swank

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank was born in Kansas City, Missouri and lived in the area until she was nineteen. Then she became a nomadic gypsy, living in five cities, four states and ten ho uses over the course of ten years before she moved back to her roots. She speaks English and smattering of Spanish and Chinese which she learned through an intensive Nick Jr. immersion period. Her hobbies include witty Facebook comments (in own her mind) and dancing in her kitchen with her children. (Quite badly if you believe her offspring.) Hidden talents include the gift of justification and the ability to drink massive amounts of caffeine and still fall asleep within two minutes. Her lack of the sense of smell allows her to perform many unspeakable tasks. She has six children and hasn’t lost her sanity. Or so she leads you to believe.

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About Angela Casella

ANGELA CASELLA loves writing romcoms, particularly with the lovely Denise Grover Swank. They write together as Angela Denise. Angela also writes the Fairy Godmother Agency series. She lives in Asheville, NC with her husband, daughter, and two geriatric dogs. Her hobbies include herding her daughter toward less dangerous activities, stress baking, and marathon watching TV shows.

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About New York Times bestselling author Denise Grover Swank and USA Today bestselling author Angela Casella writing as Angela Denise

ANGELA DENISE is the pen name for the writing duo Angela Casella and Denise Grover Swank.

ANGELA CASELLA loves writing romcoms, particularly with the lovely Denise Grover Swank. She lives in Asheville, NC with her husband, daughter, and two geriatric dogs. Her hobbies include herding her daughter toward less dangerous activities, stress baking, and marathon watching TV shows.

DENISE GROVER SWANK is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author and has sold over three million books. She indie published her first book, a romance mystery, Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes, in 2011. She has since published over fifty novels, multiple novellas and short stories as an indie and with five publishers. She is published in seven languages. She is a single mother to six children and four dogs and hasn’t lost her sanity. Or so she leads you to believe.

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Release Blitz: Call it Fate by M.E. Montgomery ~ 4.5 stars

Call it Fate by M.E. Montgomery is now live!

Call it Fate is a small town, second chance romance novel set in author M.E. Montgomery’s all new Sterling Mill Series!
Living her life by color-coded lists has gotten Emalee through the past six years. With the support of her small family, she’s raised her young son while bringing her ancestral bed-and-breakfast back to its original beauty and into modern times. She’s comfortable with her role until an unexpected—but familiar—grumpy, green-eyed guest walks into her inn during a late snowstorm. But the weather outside isn’t the storm she needs to be worried about; it’s confessing the secret she’s been keeping for six years.
Temporarily working in a small town nestled in the Appalachian Mountains was hardly how Zach intended to demonstrate he was the best applicant for a coveted internship. But if it proved his loyalty to his boss, he would do it better than anyone, then hurry back home for bigger and better things. He could have never imagined what was waiting for him in Sterling Mill, Tennessee: a parrot for a mayor? Thieving raccoons? Ridiculous, sure, but none of those compared to finding his old girlfriend and the green-eyed secret she’d kept from him.
Painful revelations. Renewed passion. If only there weren’t new circumstances destined to separate them again, they might Call It Fate.

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Emalee has just gotten to the place in her life where she believes things have finally evened out. Her business is thriving, and she doesn’t have to worry about most of the things she worried about 6 years ago… Until the man she spent what she considered the best night of her life with turns up as a guest in her bed-and-breakfast. Suddenly, she’s worried all over again, because she has secrets.

Zach has carried great resentment over the past years where Emalee is concerned. Never expecting to see her again, he is shocked when he finds her and the son he knew nothing about. Initially only caring about furthering his career prospects, he now has a new passion that includes making sure that Emalee and Iain are his family forever.

This tale was a very enjoyable read for me. The story was great; well-written with loveable characters and a plot that was engaging. Full of small-town goodness, this is a book I unreservedly and wholeheartedly recommend. You will love it!

I voluntarily read & reviewed an ARC of this book.

CIF - PR Teaser

Meet M.E. Montgomery

M.E. Montgomery can’t remember a time she hasn’t had at least one book on the go to read. After years of falling headfirst into the lives and loves of other author’s characters, M.E. decided to write her own. She enjoys creating the kind of realistic storybook friends you wish you could actually meet, and sometimes she finds herself wondering what those characters are up to once she’s delivered their happily ever after.

She’s married to her best friend and has four children and two Boxer dogs. They live wherever the Navy sends her husband, usually the East coast of the U.S., but also once in Japan.

​Whenever she’s not writing or substitute teaching, she often ponders the riddle of how the kitchen sink appears to automatically refill with dirty dishes as soon as her back is turned. On the occasions it stays empty, you can find her with a glass of wine or Scotch outside at their fireplace or curled up inside with a book, binge watching TV, or chatting with readers.

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